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Título : Civil Service Reform in comparative perspective: the case of local government change in Mexico and the United States
Palabras clave : Sociología;Civil service;public service;government
Editorial : Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Descripción : This case study compares civil service reform efforts in the State of Mexico and Summit County, Ohio. In the case of Mexico, the U.S. Civil Service system is viewed as an ideal model. Historically, recruitment and selection of government employees has been the most controversial and politically charged person nelendeavor. Thus, this case examines the political en vironment within which civil service reform is being at tempted in both jurisdictions. Valuable lessons have been learned. First, and fore most, is that civil service reform is a slow process. In the United States full implementation of civil service precepts took several de cades. Secondly, the great est single failure of both the system in Mexico and Summit County is the lack of clear career paths for professionals. It must beremem bered that civil service systems are career systems, designed to offer the opportunity and possibility of a career in the public service free of political or other influences.
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Aparece en las colecciones: Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias Políticas y Administración Pública - CIPAP/UAEM - Cosecha

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