Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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Título : Os modelos cognitivos das políticas de interação universidade - empresa
Palabras clave : Sociología;S&T policy;research-production relation ship;university-en terprise relation ship;S&T parks;enterprise incubators
Editorial : Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Descripción : Brazilian Science and Technology Policy has been guided by an idea that a "critical mass" of special ized human resources and basic research would lead, al most automatically, to technological development. Such cognitive model, based on science neutrality and technological determinism and de fended by conservative forces, has been main tained by the current leftwing government: its mem bers have not previously matured a proposal for the S&Tarea coher ent with the economic and social transformations they in tend to launch. This work fo cuses the research-production relation ship (or university-en terprise) that is in the core of that hegemonic cognitive model and aims to criticize in stitutional ar rangements, such as S&T Parks and Enterprise Incubators, implemented to stimulate this relation ship. Structural and institutional obstacles, in herent to the Brazilian peripheral condition, that have been hindering the research-pro duction relation ship and make these arrangements almost innocuous are analyzed through arguments of de ductive and inductive (based on empirical data) nature. Doing so, this work also offers elements to de construct the present cognitive model and conceive an alternative policy frame work that could lead to a S&T policy coherent with those economic and social transformations.
Otros identificadores :
Aparece en las colecciones: Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias Políticas y Administración Pública - CIPAP/UAEM - Cosecha

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