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dc.creatorAntonio E. Noriega-
dc.descriptionOur aim is to examine whether sectorial production shocks have predominated in Mexico's long annual real output, and whether shocks from different sectors are correlated. We study the long-run movement and comovements of 6 production sectors, using long, low frequency data for the Mexican economy from 1921 to 1993 and Johansen's (1991, 1995) method to test for cointegration, that is, the possibility of common stochastic shocks driving growth among sectors. Under cointegration, the idiosyncratic sectorial shocks cancel out and vanish, giving rise to a (possibly multiple) stochastic growth component common to all (some) sectors. We show that the sources of permanent innovations in Mexico's real output are more likely to come from sector-group-specific sources rather than from either independent sector-specific technological shocks, or common aggregate permanent innovations.-
dc.publisherCentro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A.C.-
dc.rightsEconomía Mexicana. Nueva Época-
dc.sourceEconomía Mexicana. Nueva Época (México) Num.1 Vol.XIII-
dc.subjectEconomía y Finanzas-
dc.subjectSectorial Production-
dc.subjectSequential Unit Root Testing-
dc.subjectCommon Trends-
dc.titleSector-Level Disaggregate Stochastic Trends in Mexico s Real Output-
dc.typeartículo científico-
Aparece en las colecciones: Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas A.C. - CIDE - Cosecha

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