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Título : Craque do Amanhã Sports, schools, and family
Palabras clave : Política;Integrated development;educational sport;integrative education and territory
Editorial : Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A.C.
Descripción : The articles purpose is to present a study about the Craque do Amanhã project, which is implemented by cieds (Center for Integrated Studies and Programs for Sustainable Development), a Brazilian non-governmental organization, and developer of a methodology focused on articulating sport, school and families. The article aims to understand the connections between educational sports programs and the integrated development of children and adolescents. It was also identified that other results were achieved through educational sports projects. The exploratory research based on qualitative data showed several indicatives confirming the hypothesis that educational sport contribute to the integral development of children and adolescents; it was observed, however, an urgent need to link that with public policies of assistance, education and health. The main impacts of the project are about: participants behavior, improving school performance, family relationships, youth leadership, the development of families and their territory.
Otros identificadores :
Aparece en las colecciones: Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas A.C. - CIDE - Cosecha

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