Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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dc.creatorLeandro Carlos Mazzei-
dc.creatorTatiana de Barros Meira-
dc.creatorFlávia da Cunha Bastos-
dc.creatorMaria Tereza Silveira Böhme-
dc.creatorVeerle De Bosscher-
dc.descriptionBrazil is one of the countries that has invested more in high performance sport; the ultimate goal of this nation is to win about 30 medals in the Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympic Games in 2016. The aims of this study were to present the structure of the Brazilian sport policies and the quality of actions in high performance sport policies. The actions were compared with other countries in an international research called Sports Policy Factors Leading to International Sporting Success. The results indicated the existence of financial resources, but the strategic planning and integration in the Brazilian high performance sport policies are deficient. It was also found that high performance sports policies in Brazil showed a progress due to the organization of international major events in the country, but there are still several factors that can be improved.-
dc.publisherCentro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A.C.-
dc.rightsGestión y Política Pública-
dc.sourceGestión y Política Pública (México)-
dc.subjectsports policies-
dc.subjecthigh performance sport-
dc.subjectcomparative study-
dc.subjectquality assessment-
dc.titleHigh performance sport in Brazil. Structure and policies comparison with the international context-
dc.typeartículo científico-
Aparece en las colecciones: Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas A.C. - CIDE - Cosecha

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