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Título : Procesos emocionales de cuidado y riesgo en profesionales que trabajan con el sufrimiento humano.
Palabras clave : Psicología;selfcare;burnout;professionals
Editorial : Universidad de Chile
Descripción : From the sixties onwards, there exists an increasing interest on the burn-out risk that professionals working with human suffering experience. This paper is about a research carried out in three institutions involved in healing social and physical damage in children and adolescents. A qualitative methodology was used, based on Glasser & Strauss grounded theory. Eight professionals from the mentioned institutions were interviewed. It turned out that all i acknowledged being at mental health risk , displaying some differences in their experiences. Also, all mentioned that sharing experiences in a group conversation was their main strategy for mental self-care.
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Aparece en las colecciones: Departamento de Psicología - DP/UCHILE - Cosecha

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