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Título : Costa Rica: Introduction of Direct Democracy Procedures
Palabras clave : C2D Working Paper Series;320 Political science;340 Law;900 History
Descripción : As two Acts on direct democracy procedures at the national level were passed only earlier this year (2006), citizens have not yet had time to truly apprehend the extraordinary change in their political rights. Additionally, the government has made no effort to adequately inform the people of these powerful instruments they may now recur to, to make their voices heard. The fact that these instruments have not yet been tested, either at the lower municipal level or the national level, makes it difficult to assess their appropriateness. Notwithstanding, certain organized groups have already made official their intention to collect signatures, in order to petition a referendum on whether to ratify the Free Trade Agreement signed two years ago with the United States of America.
Otros identificadores :
urn:issn:1662-8152 (E)
Aparece en las colecciones: Center for Research on Direct Democracy, Zentrum für Demokratie, Universidad de Zurich - C2D - Cosecha

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