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Título : Las Iniciativas Ciudadanas de Reforma Constitucional en Perú: mecanismo ineficaz para la solución de los problemas de representación
Palabras clave : C2D Working Paper Series;320 Political science;340 Law;900 History
Descripción : During the Peruvian legislatures in the period 2001-2011 five citizens' initiatives were presented to Parliament trying to reform the Constitution. They got archived without leading to any debate in the plenary of the Parliament. Which were the formal or procedural problems leading to this phenomenon? This is the question this paper is addressing. Each step of all five initiatives for constitutional reform in Peru were traced. The rebuttal of these propositions demonstrates the weak relations and low negotiation capacity the civil society sector has inside the legislative branch. The paper also demonstrates the lack of follow up and interest for such issues by Peruvian members of parliament who would have to reform the state and its public policies.
Otros identificadores :
urn:issn:1662-8152 (E)
Aparece en las colecciones: Center for Research on Direct Democracy, Zentrum für Demokratie, Universidad de Zurich - C2D - Cosecha

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