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dc.creatorConstantin, Jamil-
dc.creatorBiffe, Denis Fernando-
dc.creatorOliveira Jr., Rubem Silvério de-
dc.creatorRosa, Ênio Lemes-
dc.creatorGheno, Eliezer Antonio-
dc.creatorMachado, Fellipe Goulart-
dc.creatorPereira Braz, Guilherme Braga-
dc.descriptionThe weed resistance to herbicides has generated the need to adopt different management strategies, listing the tank mixture applications and use of herbicides in different modalities. In this context, it is essential to evaluate the selectivity of these herbicides associations for the crop in which the positioning is performed, as well as the effect of the residual activity of these affecting the crop sown in succession. The objective of this study was to evaluate the control efficacy and selectivity of herbicides applied in pre and post-emergence in soybeans, and the effect of the residual activity of these products on corn cultivated in succession. Two experiments were conducted in field conditions, one for evaluating the effectiveness of the herbicides associations on weed control in soybeans and another to check the selectivity of these for soybeans and the carryover effect for corn cultivated in succession. The experimental design used in both experiments was the completely randomized blocks evaluating nine treatments. All treatments presented efficacy in the control of B. pilosa, D. horizontalis, and C. echinatus. Reductions in soybean yields were observed with the application of diclosulam (25.2 g ha-1) in pre or post-emergence. The association among glyphosate + trifluralin + cloransulam (720 + 1350 + 33,6 g ha-1) caused reductions in soybean yield. None of the treatments used in soybeans affected the corn yield grown in succession.en-US
dc.descriptionThe weed resistance to herbicides has generated the need to adopt different management strategies, listing the tank mixture applications and use of herbicides in different modalities. In this context, it is essential to evaluate the selectivity of these herbicides associations for the crop in which the positioning is performed, as well as the effect of the residual activity of these affecting the crop sown in succession. The objective of this study was to evaluate the control efficacy and selectivity of herbicides applied in pre and post-emergence in soybeans, and the effect of the residual activity of these products on corn cultivated in succession. Two experiments were conducted in field conditions, one for evaluating the effectiveness of the herbicides associations on weed control in soybeans and another to check the selectivity of these for soybeans and the carryover effect for corn cultivated in succession. The experimental design used in both experiments was the completely randomized blocks evaluating nine treatments. All treatments presented efficacy in the control of B. pilosa, D. horizontalis, and C. echinatus. Reductions in soybean yields were observed with the application of diclosulam (25.2 g ha-1) in pre or post-emergence. The association among glyphosate + trifluralin + cloransulam (720 + 1350 + 33,6 g ha-1) caused reductions in soybean yield. None of the treatments used in soybeans affected the corn yield grown in
dc.publisherFederal University of Piauíen-US
dc.rightsCopyright (c) 2018 Jamil Constantin, Denis Fernando Biffe, Rubem Silvério de Oliveira Jr., Ênio Lemes Rosa, Eliezer Antonio Gheno, Fellipe Goulart Machado, Guilherme Braga Pereira Brazen-US
dc.sourceComunicata Scientiae; Vol. 9 No. 3 (2018); 481-491en-US
dc.sourceComunicata Scientiae; v. 9 n. 3 (2018); 481-491pt-BR
dc.subjectcontrole químico de plantas daninhaspt-BR
dc.subjectGlycine maxpt-BR
dc.subjectZea mayspt-BR
dc.titleUse of residual herbicides in soybean and impact on corn in successionen-US
dc.titleUse of residual herbicides in soybean and impact on corn in successionpt-BR
dc.typeArtigo Científicopt-BR
Aparece en las colecciones: Núcleo de Pesquisa sobre Crianças, Adolescestes e Jovens - Universidade Federal do Piauí - NUPEC/UFPI - Cosecha

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