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Título : Development, yield and chemical composition of the first ratoon sugar cane as a function of phosphorus sources
Desenvolvimento, produtividade e composição bromatológica da primeira soqueira da cana-de-açúcar em função de fontes de fósforo
Palabras clave : Saccharum spp.;forage;phosphorus fertilization;nutritive value;Saccharum spp.;forragem;adubação fosfatada;valor nutritivo
Editorial : Federal University of Piauí
Descripción : The aim of this study was to evaluate the development, yield and chemical composition of thefirst ratoon sugar cane, depending on the residual effect of phosphorus sources. The study wasconducted in the municipality of Alta Floresta - MT. The experimental design was randomized blocksin factorial scheme 4x2, with four replications. The phosphorus sources were used: bone meal, Aradphosphate and triple superphosphate, and a control without the application of the nutrient. Thevarieties of sugar cane were planted IAC86-2480 and SP79-1011. We evaluated the plant height,stalk diameter, mass of a plant, number of stems, dry matter yield, P content of the plant and thechemical composition of the forage. The residual effect of fertilization, using different sources ofphosphorus, no significant alterations in the development, yield and chemical composition of thefirst ratoon sugar cane, with little reduction in NDF and ADF when using the bone meal. The varietyIAC86-2480 showed better results, providing a higher content of crude protein and phosphorus in theplant and increased production of dry mass.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desenvolvimento, produtividade e composiçãobromatológica da primeira soqueira da cana-de-açúcar, em função do efeito residual de fontesde fósforo. O trabalho foi realizado no município de Alta Floresta – MT. O delineamento experimentalutilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 4x2, com quatro repetições. As fontes defósforo utilizadas foram: farinha de ossos, fosfato de Arad e superfosfato triplo e, um controle, semaplicação do nutriente no sulco de plantio. As variedades de cana-de-açúcar plantadas forama IAC86-2480 e a SP79-1011. Avaliou-se a altura de plantas, diâmetro de colmos, massa de umaplanta, número de colmos, produtividade de massa seca, teor de fósforo na planta e a composiçãobromatológica da forragem. O efeito residual da adubação fosfatada, com o uso de diferentesfontes de fósforo, não promoveu alterações significativas no desenvolvimento, produtividade ecomposição bromatológica, havendo pequena diminuição nos teores de FDN e FDA ao se utilizara farinha de ossos. A variedade IAC86-2480 apresentou melhores resultados, proporcionando maiorteor de proteína bruta e fósforo na planta e maior produtividade de massa seca. Development, yield and chemical composition of the first ratoonsugar cane as a function of phosphorus sourcesThe aim of this study was to evaluate the development, yield and chemical composition of thefirst ratoon sugar cane, depending on the residual effect of phosphorus sources. The study wasconducted in the municipality of Alta Floresta - MT. The experimental design was randomized blocksin factorial scheme 4x2, with four replications. The phosphorus sources were used: bone meal, Aradphosphate and triple superphosphate, and a control without the application of the nutrient. Thevarieties of sugar cane were planted IAC86-2480 and SP79-1011. We evaluated the plant height,stalk diameter, mass of a plant, number of stems, dry matter yield, P content of the plant and thechemical composition of the forage. The residual effect of fertilization, using different sources ofphosphorus, no significant alterations in the development, yield and chemical composition of thefirst ratoon sugar cane, with little reduction in NDF and ADF when using the bone meal. The varietyIAC86-2480 showed better results, providing a
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Aparece en las colecciones: Núcleo de Pesquisa sobre Crianças, Adolescestes e Jovens - Universidade Federal do Piauí - NUPEC/UFPI - Cosecha

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