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Título : Evaluation of physico-chemical quality crude oil almond babassu (Orbigny spp)
Avaliação da qualidade fisíco-química do óleo bruto da amêndoa de babaçu (Orbignya spp)
Palabras clave : amêndoa;babaçu;índices;qualidade;óleo
Editorial : Federal University of Piauí
Descripción : The babassu palm (Orbignya spp) is important for the Northeast’s families survival, mainly in thestates of Piauí and Maranhão, because of the exploration of its oil, the main byproduct. Theobjective of the current study was to evaluate the physical and chemical qualities of crude oil ofthe babassu almond produced in the agricultural zone of the Jose Freitas city, determining theiroxidative status. Were collected in local market 10 samples of crude oil, chosen at random forrealization of determinations, in triplicate, of the index of: peroxide, acidity, saponification value,refractive and density, according to the Standards of Adolph Lutz Institute (2005). In all the sampleswere not detected peroxides as products of oxidative processes, which indicates a good statusof conservation of the oils investigated. One sample showed acidity value higher than the others,indicating possible hydrolytic rancidity, although the values to meet in accordance with standards.The saponification values of most samples were lower than recommended, while the refractiveindex and density were higher. According to the results, it was found that the oils evaluatedwere not within the established standards, except for the peroxide value and acidity, indicatinginadequacies in quality of raw material for possible adulteration or inappropriates processing andstorage of products or because they are species with distinct characteristics from those establishedas standards.
A palmeira babaçu (Orbignya spp) é importante para a sobrevivência de famílias do Nordeste,principalmente dos Estados do Piauí e Maranhão, em virtude da exploração do seu óleo, principalsubproduto. Objetivou-se por meio do presente estudo, avaliar a qualidade físico-química doóleo bruto da amêndoa de babaçu produzido na zona rural do munícipio de José de Freitas-PI, determinando o seu estado oxidativo. Foram coletadas no comércio local 10 amostras deóleo bruto, escolhidas ao acaso, para a realização de determinações dos índices de: peróxido,acidez, saponificação, refração e densidade, segundo as Normas do Instituto Adolfo Lutz (2005).Em todas as amostras não foram detectados peróxidos como produtos de processos oxidativos,o que indica um bom estado de conservação dos óleos averiguados. Apenas uma amostraapresentou índice de acidez superior às demais, indicando início de uma possível rancificaçãohidrolítica, apesar dos valores de todas as amostras encontrarem-se em conformidade com ospadrões estabelecidos por lei. Os índices de saponificação da maioria das amostras mostraramseinferiores ao preconizado, enquanto que o índice de refração e a densidade foram superiores.Verificou-se, de acordo com os resultados obtidos, que os óleos avaliados não encontravam-sedentro das características padrões estabelecidas, exceto para os índices de peróxido e de acidez,evidenciando inadequações quanto à qualidade da matéria-prima por possíveis adulteraçõesou por processamento e armazenamento inadequados dos produtos ou ainda por se tratar deespécie com características distintas. Evaluation of physico-chemical quality crude oil almond babassu (Orbigny spp)AbstractThe babassu palm (Orbignya spp) is important for the Northeast’s families survival, mainly in thestates of Piauí and Maranhão, because of the exploration of its oil, the main byproduct. Theobjective of the current study was to evaluate the physical and chemical qualities of crude oil ofthe babassu almond produced in the agricultural zone of the Jose Freitas city, determining theiroxidative status. Were collected in local market 10 samples of crude oil, chosen at random forrealization of determinations, in triplicate, of the index of: peroxide, acidity, saponification value,refractive and density, according to the Standards of Adolph Lutz Institute (2005). In all the sampleswere not detected peroxides as products of oxidative processes, which indicates a good statusof conservation of the oils investigated. One sample showed acidity value higher than the others,indicating possible hydrolytic rancidity, although the values to meet in accordance with standards.The saponification values of most samples were lower than recommended, while the refractiveindex and density were higher. According to the results, it was found that the oils evaluatedwere not within the established standards, except for the peroxide value and acidity, indicatinginadequacies in quality of raw material for possible adulteration or inappropriates processing andstorage of products or because they are species with distinct characteristics from those establishedas standards.
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Aparece en las colecciones: Núcleo de Pesquisa sobre Crianças, Adolescestes e Jovens - Universidade Federal do Piauí - NUPEC/UFPI - Cosecha

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