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Título : The role of the resource room teacher in pedagogical coordination: a space for continuing education or bureaucratic notices?
O papel do professor da Sala de Recursos na coordenação pedagógica: espaço de formação continuada ou de avisos burocráticos?
Palabras clave : Sala de Recursos;Atendimento Educacional Especializado;Coordenação Pedagógica;Resource Room;Specialized Educational Assistance;Pedagogical Coordination
Editorial : Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências
Descripción : The focus of this research was to find out if, in the pedagogical coordinations, the teachers of Specialized Educational Service (AEE) who work in resource rooms have an active voice in relation to the organization of the pedagogical work and if they are able to carry out collaborative work with the teachers of the classes. regular. In this sense, in order to investigate what are the main difficulties of the professionals in the multifunctional resource rooms, a questionnaire was applied with 14 teachers who work at the AEE at the Education Secretariat of the Federal District (SEDF) and who were enrolled in the course “Pedagogical Practices for Service Educational Specialized in the Professional Education School of the Federal District - EAPE / SEDF. It was observed that a large part of the educators of the common classes still have resistance to carry out a work considering students with disabilities and, also, to see pedagogical coordination as a space and time for continuing education. According to this research, it can be seen that, in many situations, pedagogical coordination is used as a moment of just fulfilling a purely formal role, discussing bureaucratic aspects of schools. However, the collective pedagogical coordinations must stop being just a space for teachers to report their difficulties and problems in the classroom, complain about the lack of didactic material and deal with the issues of undisciplined students. Pedagogical coordinations should be seen as spaces for continuing education and reflective discussions and not just as a space for sharing bureaucratic notices. 
Uma das maiores preocupações dos professores do Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE) é em relação à efetivação de uma educação verdadeiramente inclusiva para os alunos com deficiência. Neste sentido, para investigar quais as principais dificuldades dos profissionais das salas de recursos multifuncionais, foi aplicado um questionário com 14 professores que trabalham no AEE na Secretaria de Educação do Distrito Federal (SEDF) e que estavam matriculados no curso “Práticas Pedagógicas para o Atendimento Educacional Especializado na escola de aperfeiçoamento do Profissional da Educação do Distrito Federal – EAPE/SEDF. O foco desta pesquisa foi averiguar se, durante as coordenações pedagógicas, os professores das salas de recursos possuem voz ativa em relação à organização do trabalho pedagógico e se conseguem realizar trabalhos colaborativos com os docentes das classes regulares. Foi observado que grande parte dos educadores das classes comuns ainda possui resistência para realizar um trabalho considerando os alunos com deficiência e, também, em enxergar a coordenação pedagógica como espaço e tempo de formação continuada.
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Aparece en las colecciones: Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências - FFC/UNESP - Cosecha

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