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dc.creatorRedigolo , Franciele Marques-
dc.descriptionThe subject analysis is an intellectual stage of subject cataloging process in which the cataloguer is subject to internal and external inferences. The result of the subject analysis process is reflected directly in information retrieval because it must be compatible with the user's information needs during the formulation of your search strategy for subject in the catalog. Despite the standardization have the function to clarify and systematize procedures performed by various professionals at the same time, it is observed that it is necessary to update them and improve them. Accordingly, there was observational study of the subject analysis process when cataloging in university libraries in order to provide support for the improvement and updating of standards and procedures the subject analysis, the documentary reading, the identification and selection of concepts. Observation was performed with individual verbal protocol application and ethnographic research in 16 university libraries, 12 in Brazil and 4 in Spain. And as a result it was observed that the absence of methodological tools causes the cataloging develop their own methods, such as the recovery of subjects recovered in cooperation catalogs.en-US
dc.publisherFaculdade de Filosofia e Ciênciaspt-BR
dc.rightsCopyright (c) 2014 Franciele Marques Redigolopt-BR
dc.sourceBrazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends; Vol. 8 No. 1/2 (2014)en-US
dc.sourceBrazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends; Vol. 8 Núm. 1/2 (2014)es-ES
dc.sourceBrazilian Journal of Information Science: research trends; v. 8 n. 1/2 (2014)pt-BR
dc.subjectSubject Catalogingen-US
dc.subjectSubject Analysisen-US
dc.subjectUniversity Libraries.en-US
dc.titleO processo de análise de assunto na catalogação em bibliotecas universitárias para a proposta de normalização: estudo de observação com protocolo verbalen-US
Aparece en las colecciones: Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências - FFC/UNESP - Cosecha

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