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Título : Sports Photojournalism: Control and Regularisation of the Main Elements for Retrieval
Palabras clave : Photojournalism;Sports;Regularisation;Documentary Management;Photographic Documentation Departments
Editorial : Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências
Descripción : This paper analyses the main rules to be followed for the control of the retrieval elements in sports photographs. Therefore, the study focuses on sports journalistic photographs and the regularisation of three elements used to retrieve the information: sportsperson, sport and date. Our business reality makes it unfeasible to carry out a detailed analysis of journalistic photographs, due to the need for speed, the increase in the number of photographs due to the new digital formats being used (Sánchez-Vigil, Marcos-Recio, 2009) and the lack of human resources.
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Aparece en las colecciones: Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências - FFC/UNESP - Cosecha

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