Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Centro de Estudios Sociológicos - CES/COLMEX - Cosecha : [1225] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 1225
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-“We Feel Warm On 8 March”. Memories of Uruguay’s Female Former Political Prisoners During the Feminist Spring-
-García, Javier E. (2021). Espectáculo, normalización y representaciones otras. Las personas transgénero en la prensa y el cine de Colombia y Venezuela-
-Un comentario a “Movimientos de invención de lo imposible” de Pedro Paulo Gomes Pereira: Reflexiones en torno a lo queer-
-Movimientos de invención de lo imposible: Reflexiones en torno a lo queer-
-Masculinities, Social Inequality, and Pregnancy in Mexican Adolescent Males-
-Being Childfree in Mexico: Personal Narratives of People Choosing not to Become Parents and How They Cope with Social Stigmas-
-Systems of the therapeutic ethos through Miss 17 magazine: Instilling a sex-affective model in Chilean female adolescents post-dictatorship-
-Male Academics and Social Distancing: Reflections on the Domestic, Work and Masculinity-
-Money and Power in Argentinean Couples’ Relationships: Evidence from a Gender and Social Class Perspective-
-Sexual Violence During Fieldwork: Autoethnography in Two Voices-
-Does the Virus Affect “Everyone Equally”? A Critical Look at Paid Domestic Work in Argentina in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic-
-Professional attitudes with regards to the health of the transgender population (Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, 2014-2019)-
-Gender Inequality, Stereotypes and the Exclusion of the Female Voice in Radio Advertising in Mexico-
-Descriptive and symbolic representation of women in the process of gender parity in Indigenous Normative Systems of Oaxaca, Mexico-
-Lía Dressed as the World: Notes about the Transgression-Abjection Phenomenon on Inés Arredondo's “The Nocturnal Butterflies”-
-Disruptive Imaginaries of the Queer Body: Dissident Masculinities in 21st-Century Mexican Visual Culture-
-Approaches to Gender Violence in Contemporary Peruvian Literature: A Case Study of Claudia Salazar Jiménez’s The Blood of the Dawn.-
-Feeding Others to Feed Your Own: Dualities and Inequalities of Selling Feeding Work in Mexico City-
-Abortion, Counter-Mobilizaton and Communication Strategies Against the Expansion of Rights in Mexico-
-Forced Sterilization of Indigenous Men: An Unexplored Facet-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 1225