Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Centro de Investigación - UP - CIUP - Cosecha : [1475] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 321 a 340 de 1475
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-How much is affected the consumption of the homes when a disaster occurs in natural origin? An empirical analysis for Peru, 2004-2006-
-Precarious land tenure and public policy in Jujuy, Argentina. An analysis of the links between province, nation and indigenous peoples-
-"Only the aprismo will save the Argentina". A reconstruction of the militancy Aprista In Argentina in the late 1930s-
-Institutional change: slowly get far and latent institutions. The Presidency of the Council of Minister case.-
-Evaluating human development policies: the case of the agenda of public politics in Peru-
-Obituary. Leopoldo Chiappo, Dante reader (Lima, 1924-2010)-
-WIESSE, Jorge (ed.), 2008. «La divina comedia». Voces y ecos. Lima: Universidad del Pacífico. 180 pp.-
-Decentralization and local economic development: decentralization can help local economic development and poverty reduction in Peru?-
-Field experiments in economics: preferences regarding risk and demand by intertemporal contracts in Peru-
-GRUZINSKI, Serge, 2000. El pensamiento mestizo. Paris: Fayard. 364 pp.-
-Pro-cyclicality in Basilea II?: an analysis of capital requirements for commercial loans of Peruvian commercial banks-
-Existence of a credit boom in Peru. Analysis from the perspective of a regime change model-
-Sincering of value-at-risk models by incorporating the effect of market illiquidity: evidence on the Lima Stock Exchange-
-A happy world?: subjective welfare in Metropolitan Lima-
-Does our career influence our level of selfishness?: applied study in Peru-
-Determinants of the level of indebtedness of Peruvian companies listed: empirical evidence for the period 2001-2007-
-Performance of family microenterprise in Peru-
-CHIARAMONTI, Gabriella, 2005. Ciudadanía y representación en el Perú (1808-1860). Los itinerarios de la soberanía. Lima: UNMSM, SEPS, ONPE. 408 pp.-
-MISHKIN, Frederic S., 2007. Monetary Policy Strategy. Cambridge: MIT Press. 549 pp.-
-Investment decisions and Pollution Hipotheses Haven. Evidence of copper mining industry in Peru and Chile-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 321 a 340 de 1475