Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Centro de Investigación - UP - CIUP - Cosecha : [1475] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 121 a 140 de 1475
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Ponciano Del Pino. En nombre del Gobierno. El Perú y Uchuraccay: un siglo de política campesina-
-Willie Hiatt. The Rarefied Air of the Modern: Airplanes and Technological Modernity in the Andes-
-Robert H. Frank. Success and Luck: Good Fortune and the Myth of Meritocracy-
-Innovation and foreign multinationals established in the state of Paraná (Brazil) between 1960 and 2015-
-Technical efficiency and the scale of sisal production in the state of Bahia (Brazil)-
-Ana Lucía Romero. Entre pipetas, bisturíes y pacientes. La investigación clínica en la Argentina: la tradición Lanari-
-Daina Ramey Berry. The price for their pound of flesh. The value of the enslaved, from womb to grave, in the building of a nation-
-María Pía Venturiello. La trama social de la discapacidad. Cuerpo, redes familiares y vida cotidiana-
-Giovanna Pollarolo Giglio. De aventurero a letrado. El discurso de Pedro Dávalos y Lissón-
-From «technology transfer» to local development strategies. Sociotechno-cognitive dynamics in the case of the Yogurito Escolar (Argentina, 1984-2015)-
-Analysis of scientific research groups with greater productive applicability in Brazil: capacities and interactions with firms-
-Winners and losers in the first generations after structural social security reform: the Uruguayan case-
-Living life coming and going: migratory cycles of Argentine forestry workers-
-Reorganization and educational reform in Jujuy (Argentina) during Peronism. The Common and Special Education Law (1946-1952)-
-ZAVALA, Virginia y Michele BACK, editoras, 2017, Racismo y lenguaje, Lima, Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. 410 pp.-
-Production of non-traditional renewable energy in Latin America: economy and public policies-
-Global value chains: Transformations and economic development possibilities for the periphery since the mid-1990s-
-Politization, participation, and innovation: Socializing agricultural research in Bolivia-
-Mirror and replica: A socio-legal proposal to restore the face of Mexico-
-LAGUERRE KLEIMAN, Michel, 2017, U.S. Naval War College & Escuela Superior de Guerra Naval del Perú. An historical partnership in maritime security studies, Lima, Escuela Superior de Guerra Naval del Perú and U.S. Naval War College. 127 pp.-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 121 a 140 de 1475