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dc.creatorMárcia Miranda Soares-
dc.descriptionThe article analyzes the impact of the election to (and occupation of) majority national and state executive positions (President and Governors) on the political parties electoral performance in the elections to the lower house in Brazil during the recent democratic period (1994-2010). A database was built for the last five national and state elections and was used to conduct statistical regression analyses. According to the findings, the occupation of majority executive positions (President or Governors) had no effect on voting for National Deputies. However, having strong Presidential or Gubernatorial candidates bolstered the partys election results for National Deputy (the effect was greater for Governor than for President). The political parties also displayed electoral capital in the race for the national legislative branch, independently of majority influences.-
dc.publisherUniversidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro-
dc.rightsDados - Revista de Ciências Sociais-
dc.sourceDados - Revista de Ciências Sociais (Brasil) Num.2 Vol.56-
dc.subjectLegislative elections-
dc.subjectBrazilian Federalism-
dc.subjectChamber of Deputies-
dc.titleInfluência Majoritária em Eleições Proporcionais: Os Efeitos Presidenciais e Governatoriais sobre as Eleições para a Câmara dos Deputados Brasileira (1994-2010)-
dc.typeartículo científico-
Aparece en las colecciones: Instituto de Estudios Sociales y Políticos - IESP/UERJ - Cosecha

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