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Título : Mudanças e permanências na cultura política das metrópoles brasileiras
Palabras clave : Sociología;Political culture;metropolises;new political culture;citizenship;associativism
Editorial : Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Descripción : This article discusses the formulations of the theoretical school known as the New Political Culture (NPC), seeking to evaluate the limits and possibilities of this approach for interpreting contemporary Brazilian culture. Based on research by the Network of Metropolitan Observatories in partnership with other Brazilian and international institutions, the authors argue that this approach is limited in its ability to analyze current changes in Brazil, where the values and behaviors related to NPC, although gaining strength in recent decades, are far from constituting the main existing cultural grammar.
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Aparece en las colecciones: Instituto de Estudios Sociales y Políticos - IESP/UERJ - Cosecha

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