Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas - IFCH/UNICAMP - Cosecha : [621] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 141 a 160 de 621
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Architecture will never be the same again. Thoughts about gender and space(s).-
-The Old Neighborhood Representation of riverside 21 Century: a study of the Influence of Discourse on the Desire to Practice the Historic Center of Natal-RN-
-Undercover Potencies of the Body: from Flâneur to Cruiser-
-Locating performances: territoriality and the anthropological studies of gender and sexuality-
-Invisible women. Principles to a reconstruction of the architectural discourse-
-Controlling the Spaces Women: the Mother Woman's Body to Working and Higienic Woman's Body-
-Entre la renovación edilicia y la preservación patrimonial: cien años de planificación urbana en la ciudad de Buenos Aires-
-Movement is needed-
-Beyong Disciplinarity and Gender Dichotomy? The Contribution of Pierre Bourdieu’s Praxeology to Studies of Gender in Architecture and Urbanism-
-Moments of Modernity in Florianopolis Traditional Center: the Counter-Hegemonic Dimension of Contemporary Space-
-Women at the Street: Some Notes on the Political Dimension of the Female Body in the Public Space-
-Between the Subject and the City: Reflections on the Moving Body Experience-
-City and diversity in the film "The Congress"-
-Notes about the relations betweem feminine body and the city-
-Transversal time-
-A cenografia e o espaço-tempo no neorrealismo como indicador da sociedade italiana no pós-guerra: uma breve análise a partir de Roma, Cidade Aberta e Ladrões de Bicicleta-
-Ribeirão Preto: leituras urbanas de uma história rural-
-Caracas a través de sus terremotos. El impacto de los sismos en la evolución urbana de la ciudad, siglos XVII-XIX-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 141 a 160 de 621