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dc.creatorLuis Mata Mollejas-
dc.descriptionWithin the framework of mercantile relations, money is not simply an instrument; it has its own variable value and can therefore be considered part of the potential portfolio of alternatives. When the value of money (or a particular currency) is unstable it becomes the object of financial speculation, whether as a result of brusque changes (financial crack) or gradual devaluation (persistent inflation or the depressive trap). This article argues that persistent financial deficits also have negative implications for the value of a currency and thus incite financial speculation. In the Venezuelan case, fiscal incontinence based on short-term credits leads to a persistent reduction in the value of the Bolívar and thus needs to be remedied.-
dc.publisherUniversidad Central de Venezuela-
dc.rightsRevista Venezolana de Análisis de Coyuntura-
dc.sourceRevista Venezolana de Análisis de Coyuntura (Venezuela) Num.1 Vol.XII-
dc.subjectEconomía y Finanzas-
dc.subjectBank speculation-
dc.subjectfiscal crisis-
dc.subjectdepressive trap-
dc.subjectinternational insertion-
dc.titleVinculaciones fiscales y monetarias: el caso de Venezuela-
dc.typeartículo científico-
Aparece en las colecciones: Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales - FACES/UCV - Cosecha

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