Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


ELA - Departamento de Estudos Latino-Americanos - Cosecha : [605] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 281 a 300 de 605
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-OF RUINS AND SERVEDION: ethnographic approaches to haciendas’s memories of the Zongolica, Veracruz-
-From the "old" to the "new" indigenous justice: transformations and continuities in the indigenous justices of Michoacán-
-Contributions to feminist anthropology in Chiapas: interview with Mercedes Olivera-
-Interview with Claudia Noemí Briones-
-THE POLITICAL FUNCTIONS OF DEATH: extrajudicial executions in Colombia, 2002-2010-
-CHARRUAS’ MEMORIES IN URUGUAY: Reflections on the Indigenous Re-Emergence from a Collaborative Research-
-Community Police Force in Social Mine Fields in Mexico.: Building safety in contexts of extreme violence.-
-Rebel education and collective construction of autonomy in zapatista schools-
-WHEN CULTURE RECOMPOSE THE PEOPLE: bases of anti-colonial struggle in the 1973-1989 military dictatorship period in Gulu Mapu-
-PENITENTIARY RESISTANCE: activist investigation in prison spaces-
-La Calidad de la Democracia en Brasil, 2014-2018: Sistema Político, Sociedad Civil e Instituciones en Perspectiva-
-POSSESSION, PROPERTY AND RIVAL TERRITORIALITIES: between legal concepts and local knowledge-
-El derecho indígena subordinado y la consulta contra los pueblos:: un caso mexicano-
-Contribuições das ciências sociais diante o avanço do neoliberalismo-
-Um Panorama histórico: drogas, América Latina e Mulheres-
-Entrevista al Dr. Héctor Fix Hierro-
-Internecine between the Indian State and the Adivasis (indigenous people), under Neo-Liberalism: A case of Lanjigarh Resistance Movement-
-The role of non state actors in ensuring Indigenous right to education in na era of neoliberalism: an experiential account from India-
-Mining multinationals impacts, Colombian state's role and the Marmatos processes of resistance-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 281 a 300 de 605