Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Secretaría de Investigación y Publicación Científica - SIPUC/FCPyS/UNCUYO - Cosecha : [338] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 121 a 140 de 338
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Reverberations of a common encounter. Domitila, Marielle, Daniela, Albertina and Lucía: Their voices in oursspañol-
-The handkerchief as a political device: reflections on its displacements and disputes in the street-
-Disobedient: around post-dictatorship narratives, memory and feminism in Argentina-
-Towards a feminism of respect, from wakcha to wanku-
-Invisible racism: daily experiences and resistance of the kichwa people in Ecuador-
-Southern Feminisms in graduate training in Social Work-
-Women and the State: Challenges to addressing violence-
-Art as a possible space for professional intervention of Social Work in the field of Mental Health-
-Tapa Millcayac Digital - Volumen VI, Número 11, Año 2019-
-Female authorship-participation and leadership-coordination in the annual meetings of National Association of Graduation and Research on Social Sciences (Anpocs)-
-Feminist narratives and communication strategies in the second international women’s strike.: "Ni Una Menos" in Mendoza, organized feminism that continues to grow-
-Theoretical notes for an archeological anthropology of the body in mining contexts of the Central West region of Argentina-
-Femininities and masculinities of violence: An approximation to the temporary dimension of the representations in the femicide news of the Salta press-
-Descolonizar las herramientas metodológicas. Una experiencia de investigación feminista-
-Política Editorial-
-The dynamics of street sexual harassment from the discourse of young men-
-Gender inequality in the social security pension system in Mexico. Which factors have had an impact?-
-Resist despair and helplessness with hope: A reading of the diaries of Janusz Korczak-
-Disappearance and reappearance of a mother: a meeting between biography and history-
-Gender equality in Mexican organizations: advancement and challenges-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 121 a 140 de 338