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dc.creatorMerino, Gabriel Esteban-
dc.descriptionThe world system is in historical-spatial transition. The crisis of hegemony is reflected in a set of conflicts in which the dominant powers fail to impose themselves, as well as in the change in the hierarchies of the interstate system and in the profound transformations of the world economy. Faced with this situation, different imperial responses arise and the polarization between strategic political projects in the United States deepens, in relation to a fracture in its "establishment" or power groups, political forces and ruling classes. In this sense, this article examines central aspects of geopolitics and the disputed strategies in the United States against the rise of China and the decline of its relative power. To do this, we analyze the imperial reconfigurations underway since the triumph of Donald Trump, when there is a nationalist-Americanist turn, contrary to globalist forces. In addition, key elements of China's rise, its geopolitical aspects and its responses to the dominant geostrategies of Washington are observed. Finally, a reflection is made on the historical crossroads that Our America faces in the current transition.en-US
dc.descriptionThe world system is in historical-spatial transition. The crisis of hegemony is reflected in a set of conflicts in which the dominant powers fail to impose themselves, as well as in the change in the hierarchies of the interstate system and in the profound transformations of the world economy. Faced with this situation, different imperial responses arise and the polarization between strategic political projects in the United States deepens, in relation to a fracture in its "establishment". In this sense, this article examines central aspects of geopolitics and the disputed strategies in the United States against the rise of China and the decline of its relative power. From this perspective, we analyze the imperial reconfigurations underway since the triumph of Donald Trump, when there is a nationalist-Americanist turn, contrary to globalist forces. In addition, key elements of China's rise, its geopolitical aspects and its responses to the dominant geostrategies of Washington are observed. One of the conclusions reached in the investigation is that the nationalist-Americanist turn can favor the rise of China, while deepening the crisis of the world
dc.descriptionEl sistema mundial se encuentra en plena transición histórico-espacial. La crisis de hegemonía se refleja en un conjunto de conflictos en donde los poderes dominantes no logran imponerse, como también en el cambio en las jerarquías del sistema interestatal y en las profundas transformaciones de la economía mundial. Frente a esta situación, surgen distintas respuestas imperiales y se profundiza la polarización entre proyectos políticos estratégicos en Estados Unidos, al calor de una fractura en su “establishment”. En este sentido, en el presente ensayo se examinan aspectos centrales de la geopolítica y de las estrategias en disputa en los Estados Unidos frente al ascenso de China y al declive de su poder relativo. Desde esta perspectiva, se analizan las reconfiguraciones imperiales en marcha a partir del triunfo de Donald Trump, cuando se produce un giro nacionalista-americanista contrario a las fuerzas globalistas. Además, se observan elementos clave del ascenso de China, sus aspectos geopolíticos y sus respuestas frente a las geoestrategias dominantes de Washington. Una de las conclusiones a las que se arriba en la investigación es que el giro nacionalista-americanista puede favorecer el ascenso de China, a la vez que profundiza la crisis del orden
dc.publisherUniversidade de São Paulo - Programa de Pós-graduação em Integração da América Latinapt-BR
dc.rightsCopyright (c) 2020 Gabriel Esteban Merinopt-BR
dc.sourceBrazilian Journal of Latin American Studies; v. 19 n. 37 (2020): Dossiê: Relações China - América Latina e Caribe; 44-77pt-BR
dc.sourceBrazilian Journal of Latin American Studies; Vol. 19 No. 37 (2020): Dossier: China - Latin America and the Caribbean Relations; 44-77en-US
dc.subjectTransição Histórico-Espacialpt-BR
dc.subjectEstados Unidospt-BR
dc.subjectNossa Americapt-BR
dc.subjectTransición Histórica-Espaciales-ES
dc.subjectEstados Unidoses-ES
dc.subjectNuestra Américaes-ES
dc.subjectHistorical-Spatial Transitionen-US
dc.subjectUnited Statesen-US
dc.subjectNuestra Américaen-US
dc.titleEl ascenso de China y las disputas estratégicas en los grupos dominantes de los Estados Unidoses-ES
dc.titleA ascensão da China e as disputas estratégicas nos grupos dominantes dos Estados Unidospt-BR
dc.titleThe rise of China and the strategic disputes in the dominant groups of the United Statesen-US
Aparece en las colecciones: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Integração da America Latina - PROLAM/USP - Cosecha

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