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dc.creatorCorrales Roa, Elcy-
dc.description"This article summarizes the main findings of a research study carried out for the World Wildlife Fund, the main objective of which was to analyze the socioeconomic aspects related to the use of Colombian Andean ecosystems and their relation to biodiversity since the pre Hispanic period.This analysis allows the identification of the main socioeconomic factors that determinesettlement patterns and the use of ecosystems in the Andean ecological region, from the pre Hispanic period to the end of the 20th Century, and the effects they have on biodiversity in general. Levels of intervention in the Andean ecosystems are identified, along with thoseactivities that have had various effects on biodiversity, including illegal crops. Similarly, the potential of certain regional production and management systems to preserve biodiversity is discussed. Some alternatives for biodiversity sustainable management by sub- ecologicalregions are identified, as well as activities that threaten biodiversity preservation.Finally, a critical review of the policies and of the present institutional structureexplains certain processes and the contradictory effects such policies have onpreservation and biodiversity.The research study is based on the check up of documentary, statistic and cartographicinformation sources, and also on an inventory of experiences that may contribute to biodiversity preservation. In addition, the institutional policy and some of its results were reviewed."-
dc.publisherPontificia Universidad Javeriana-
dc.rightsCuadernos de Desarrollo Rural-
dc.sourceCuadernos de Desarrollo Rural (Colombia) Num.49-
dc.subjectEstudios Agrarios-
dc.subjectAndean ecosystems-
dc.subjectsettlement patterns-
dc.titleTransformaciones socioeconómicas y situación de la biodiversidad en los Andes colombianos, desde el período prehispánico-
dc.typeartículo científico-
Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Estudios Ambientales y Rurales - FEAR/PUJ - Cosecha

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