Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Centro de Investigación en Economía y Humanismo Louis Joseph Lebret O.P. - USANTOTOMAS - Cosecha : [469] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 469
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Profesionalización y desempeño, un debate a propósito del Alcalde Municipal en Colombia-
-Working on video platforms: forms of development and organization of the activity of YouTube audiovisual producers in Argentina-
-Composition of the highest collegiate bodies (HCB) of Latin American universities: an analysis based on the bylaws-
-Terroir, Appellations of Origin and the notion of place in peasant societies: key concepts for an anthropology of local production-
-Passive-avoidant leadership style and exchange of leader-follower behaviors in university students: an approach from Chile-
-On the Beginnings of a Literary Trajectory: the case of César Aira in Periodicals from a Sociological Viewpoint-
-Activism, production of knowledge and disputes over control: the release of the Armed Forces archives in Argentina-
-Visceral poetics: black feminism, affections and emotions in the work of Victoria Santa Cruz-
-The policy of academic bodies at a public university-
-Alternative dispute resolution from a holistic perspective in Colombian university environments-
-State control of teaching during the first Peronist governments-
-A systemic framing of populism-
-Understanding of strategic alignment as a principle of university governance-
-University governance in times of social and sanitary crisis: experiences of Chilean directors-
-From combatants to neighbors: building a life after the peace agreements in Colombia. An ethnographic account of San José de León-
-Institutionalization of service learning in the Faculty of Business Sciences at the University of Bío-Bío: linking higher education with the local community-
-Factors influencing the use of cell phones in the context of learning by higher education professors in the province of Santa Catarina (Brazil)-
-Competitive profile as a tool for strategic management of research in universities-
-Innovation applied to the development of Lasallian leadership in Brazil: foundations for excellence in management-
-Economic effects of dropout in university management: the case of a Chilean public university-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 469