Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales - FCJS/UNL - Cosecha : [1052] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 741 a 760 de 1052
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Naming rigths: receita complementar nos contratos de parcerias público-privadas ou cessão de uso de bens públicos sem licitação?-
-Towards an interoperable Public Administration: interpretation and legal analysis of silence as a consequence of not exchanging required information between public-
-Sumario Bilingue-
-Sumário Bilingüe-
-Public administration’s challenges in order to guarantee the fundamental right of personal data protection in the post-COVID-19 era-
-A view to the administrative vulnerability of Honduras due to a State of emergency situations with the enablement of direct procurement during the COVID-19 pandemic-
-Los bienes baldíos en Colombia y las “terras devolutas” en Brasil. Estudio comparado sobre el derecho a la propiedad-
-Reflections on e-government and citizen participation in Ecuador-
-Digital social security public services in the covid-19 pandemic: efficiency and inclusion-
-Justificación axiológica y económica del deber de reparación del Estado-
-The phenomenon of COVID-19 and its social effects on administrative law of the XXI century-
-The forest concession: from a forgotten legal instrument to an essential tool for community forest management-
-Challenging administrative anti-dumping rulings in Mexico-
-Convencionalidade e direito de acesso à informação: estudo de caso de requerimento sobre cumprimento de sentença internacional no Sistema Eletrônico do Serviço de Informação ao Cidadão (e-Sic)-
-The examination of the ProUni to improve the inclusive constitutional public policy by the Brazilian federal government-
-The right to privacy and the protection of personal data across borders-
-The In-Justice of a lacking fiscal control system. Case: Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela´s Digital Platform-
-Scope of the administrator's discretion in the rejection of mining rights: considerations about the indeterminate concepts of article 42 of the Brazilian Mining Code-
-Legislation in a state of exception for situations of public calamity, such as covid-19 in Colombia-
-The era of big data and open data in public administration-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 741 a 760 de 1052