Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Centro de Investigaciones - CIFFyH/UNC - Cosecha : [1788] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 601 a 620 de 1788
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Marxism and sexual revolution: from Manuel Puig's The Buenos Aires Affair to Kiss of the spider woman-
-Counter-sentimentalities, specters and queer/cuirs resistance in the HIV/AIDS crisis-
-My Best Informant’s Dress: The Erotic Equation in Fieldwork- Esther Newton-
-bell hooks. Decolonizing Education-
-Francesca Gargallo Celentani: a feminist from Our America (1956 - 2022)-
-Angélica Gorodischer: a disobedient writer-
-"We were all partners". Organizational experiences in women's prisons in Argentina-
-Christine de Pizán's Thinking: Educating to Build a Women's City-
-Discomfort in the culture of sexual difference-
-Kissing the spider woman: unlikely memories for ecstatic communities-
-Don't mess with my children: feminist praxis under attack by anti-gender rhetoric-
-A reading of El Che Amor (1965): the fracture of guerrilla emotionality in the affective poetics of ALberto Szpunberg-
-The affective turn as political power. Experience of feminist militancy in a group of high school students-
-Presentation of the Dossier-
-Care and social reproduction: reflections from the field of labour and its organisations-
-LGBTIQNB+ People and Characters in the Mass Entertainment Media: Visibilization of Dissidence or Marketing Strategy?-
-Significations and representations of gender about abortions and women who abort, in two south american literary works-
-Ecofeminism: horizons of radicality in the "in-between" feminist and anti-extractivist struggles from the global south-
-Once upon a time, someone loved a sex worker-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 601 a 620 de 1788