Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Centro de Investigaciones - CIFFyH/UNC - Cosecha : [1788] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 521 a 540 de 1788
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-El Pueblo de Indios de La Toma en las inmediaciones de Córdoba del Tucumán. Un ejemplo de asentamiento periférico. Siglos XVII al XIX-
-From authenticity assessments to new diplomacy-
-Secularization: doctrine, theory and myth. A debate from history on an old topic in sociology-
-Symbolic distinctions and social realities. High society and upstarts in Buenos Aires at the turn of the 19th to 20th century-
-Forms out of place and always well placed. Cordoba, Kronfuss and the Provincial Museum (1911 - 1916)-
-The Catalogs of the Notarial Protocols of the 17th century of the Historical Archive of the Province of Cordoba-
-Census deeds in Notarial Protocols-
-Nation, people and democracy: new meanings in the democratic transition. UNIDOS magazine and the project of a democratic Peronism-
-Municipal spaces and conservative liberalism in Mexico and Argentina. A comparative essay based on legislation, 1876 - 1912-
-The image of Latin America as perceived by Southern Cone diplomats-
-Modernity imagined, the nation exhumed: historiography and postcolonialism in West Africa-
-Memory and power: the rescue of a classic problem. A look from political history-
-The Visiting Books of the Cordoba Prison in the last years of the colonial regime. An approach to their study-
-Purchase and sale transactions of rural properties in Córdoba, 1820 - 1855. Documentary base-
-Caring, controlling, curing: historical essays on health and illness in America and the Caribbean-
-Tribute to Master John Murra 1916 - 2006-
-The rural space of Córdoba and its diversity: characteristics and zonal distribution of production units at the end of the 18th century.-
-The certificate of entrustment in favor of don Gerónimo Luis de Cabrera. Copies and transfers of the same documents during the XVI and XVII centuries-
-War of independence and social conflict in Salta. Territoriality and political boundaries in the construction of national states, 1810 - 1840-
-Autonomy and good governance. Internal conflicts of the Jesuit order in the province of Paraguay (Córdoba and La Rioja, 1680 - 1720)-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 521 a 540 de 1788