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Campo DC Valor Lengua/Idioma
dc.creatorEscamilla, Zugaide-
dc.creatorCaldera, Diana-
dc.creatorCarrillo Andrés, Sandra Alejandra-
dc.descriptionLa creación de empresas en México ha resultado clave para el desarrollo del país; representando las Micro Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (MiPYME´s) el 99.8% del total de las empresas, generando 72% del empleo y aportando 52% al Producto Interno Bruto (PIB), de este modo, algunas instituciones públicas y privadas han impulsado diversas medidas de apoyo para facilitar, el a veces interminable proceso de creación y sostenimiento de dichas empresas; lo que resulta una paradoja es que dos de los obstáculos más grandes a los cuales se enfrentan estas organizaciones en sus inicios, son los requerimientos en el proceso de creación de empresas (burocracia) y la falta de financiamiento. En este trabajo se abordará el estudio de algunas instituciones que se dedican a apoyar a los emprendedores para la creación de sus empresas, tomaremos como base dos variables; el procedimiento de creación de empresas y el acceso al crédito bancario; apoyados por la teoría institucional de North, haciendo un estudio exploratorio del contexto mexicano, consultaremos el proyecto del Doing Business para conocer el estado del arte de la tramitología para emprender negocios en México, con la intención de verificar con datos duros, si es que las variables mencionadas representan dos de los obstáculos más grandes para el emprendimiento en México. Business creation in Mexico has been a key factor in the development of the country, representing 99.8% of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME´s) of total enterprises, generating 72% of employment and contributing with 52% of gross domestic product (GDP), thus, some public institutions and private organizations have launched a number of support measures to facilitate the sometimes endless process of creating and sustaining enterprises, what it is a paradox is that two of the biggest obstacles that face those organizations at the beginning, are the requirements in the process of business creation (bureaucracy) and the lack of funding. The study of some institutions will be addressed the study of some institutions that are dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs for setting up their businesses, we will be based on two variables: the process of setting up businesses and access to bank credit, supported by North's institutional theory, making an exploratory study of the Mexican context, we will consult the Doing Business project to determine the state of the art of paperwork to do business in Mexico, with intent to demystify with hard data, the idea that these variables represent two of the biggest obstacles to entrepreneurship in Mexico.-
dc.descriptionBusiness creation in Mexico has been a key factor in the development of the country, representing 99.8% of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME´s) of total enterprises, generating 72% of employment and contributing with 52% of gross domestic product (GDP), thus, some public institutions and private organizations have launched a number of support measures to facilitate the sometimes endless process of creating and sustaining enterprises, what it is a paradox is that two of the biggest obstacles that face those organizations at the beginning, are the requirements in the process of business creation (bureaucracy) and the lack of funding. The study of some institutions will be addressed the study of some institutions that are dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs for setting up their businesses, we will be based on two variables: the process of setting up businesses and access to bank credit, supported by North's institutional theory, making an exploratory study of the Mexican context, we will consult the Doing Business project to determine the state of the art of paperwork to do business in Mexico, with intent to demystify with hard data, the idea that these variables represent two of the biggest obstacles to entrepreneurship in Mexico.-
dc.publisherUniversidad del Rosario / Universidad de Los Andes / Universidad Complutense de Madrid-
dc.rightsLicencia Creative Commons Atribución -No Comercial- Compartir Igual 4.0 Internacional.-
dc.sourceAnuario Electrónico de Estudios en Comunicación Social "Disertaciones", volumen 5, número 2 (julio-diciembre, 2012), páginas: 143-159, ISSN: 1856-9536-
dc.subjectBurocracia, Financiamiento, Emprendimiento y MiPyME´s. Bureaucracy, Financing, Entrepreneurship, MSME's.-
dc.titleBurocracia y financiamiento ¿inhibidores del emprendimiento en México? Un breve análisis = Bureaucracy and financing? inhibitors of entrepreneurship in Mexico? a brief review-
Aparece en las colecciones: División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades - DCSH/UAM-A - Cosecha

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