Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Centro de Estudios Avanzados. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - CEA/UNC - Cosecha : [1511] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1241 a 1260 de 1511
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Art, technique and metal craft. Ornamental metal works in Montevideo´s architectural heritage, 1780-1950-
-Heritage-making or heritage-unmaking? The role of urban culture in the neoliberal city. Buenos Aires (1990-2020)-
-When arriving is to come back. Axel’s Kicillof audiovisual election campaign for governor of Buenos Aires Province-
-A new approach for disabilities: model of communication and legitimate acknowledgement-
-“A very particular corner”: heritage disputes in a former clandestine detention center of Rosario city (2015-2019)-
-“My blood and my family”: the subjective construction of a rapper and the individuality in the popular clases of contemporary Buenos Aires-
-The State as Protagonist: Reconversion of Industrial Buildings in Santa Fe (Four Cases)-
-Reading practices: Contributions for a reflecting and intervening upon built patrimony-
-Rethinking open models in informational capitalism-
-Editorial. Astrolabio Nueva Época, N° 25: La crisis mundial del COVID-19: sociologías, feminismos y sociedad mundial-
-Women´s lives in the fragmented cities under confinement. A feminist analysis of the critical issues-
-The coronavirus pandemic: an explosive global catastrophe-
-Musicians and state agents disputing cultural policy in the rock circuit of La Plata city-
-Deepening the inequality gaps by gender reasons: the impact of the pandemic on care, the labor market and violence in Latin America and the Caribbean-
-Comprehend the cultural policy from its daily operation. Analysis of the cultural “usina” (powerplant) of the criminal unit nº 4 Santiago Vázquez (ex Comcar)-
-The subway workers: the struggle experiencies and the bureaucratization of union delegates corps between 2006-2009-
-The evaluative reason in literacy and some cracks where to decolonize the writing-
-Elderly care on the political agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean-
-The new protective state and the legitimacy of exception: a global approach-
-From immunity to autoimmunity: the disolution of social order-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1241 a 1260 de 1511