Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología - UCM - Cosecha : [4968] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 81 a 100 de 4968
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-García Barrios, Ana y Erik Velásquez García, 'El arte de los reyes mayas'. Fundación Amparo IAP, Puebla. 2018. 218 páginas, 109 figuras. Publicación digital:
-Nuevos hallazgos rupestrológicos en la provincia de Villa Clara, Cuba-
-Facing the Ancestor: Images and Discourses of Power in the Kohunlich Built Environment-
-Gesture and Rank in Classic Maya Art-
-«Living in Paradise»: Contending Scenarios Among the Second Generation of Yucatecan Migrants in Cancun, Quintana Roo-
-Matter and Form of the Mayan Gods of the Classic Period-
-Touch and Interaction in Ancient Maya Art-
-Introducción al dossier-
-Political Relations between Nahuas and Tének Chichimecas Groups in the Epiclassic and Postclassic of Mesoamerica-
-Numerical Signs and Accounting of Nahuatl Hieroglyphic Writing-
-Cultural Landscapes of the Desert Coast of Atacama, Chile. Dialogue between Ethnography and Archeology for the Study of the Archaeological Site Copaca 1-
-The Burden of Misery: Times of Crisis According to Mayan Historical, Prophetic and Literary Texts-
-Inca Production in the South Central Andes. Agricultural Technology in Rodero and Coctaca, Argentina-
-Sixteenth Century Chalice Cover of Feathers from the National Museum of Anthropology of Mexico. Text or Image?-
-The Armed Prayer: New Religiosities for a New World-
-Alfonso Lacadena García-Gallo (1964-2018): "curriculum vitae"-
-Presence, Conventions and Marks of Itzcóatl in the Huichapan Codex-
-The Iconography of the Keros of the Museum of La Plata. First Interpretative Approaches-
-Tasiilaq: Politics, Identity and Arts in the East Coast of Greenland-
-Teotihuacan and the Maya in the «Entrada» of 11 Eb’ (AD 378): New Data from Naachtun, Peten, Guatemala-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 81 a 100 de 4968