Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Institut de Recherche pour le Développement - IRD - Cosecha : [180] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 180
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Cognition and adaptation to urban environments [Editorial]-
-The ecology and evolution of human-wildlife cooperation-
-Organic resources from Madagascar : dataset of chemical and near-infrared spectroscopy measurements [Data paper]-
-Determining the spatial distribution of environmental and socio-economic suitability for human leptospirosis in the face of limited epidemiological data-
-Individual-level drivers of dietary behaviour in adolescents and women through the reproductive life course in urban Ghana : a photovoice study-
-Social adaptive responses to a harsh and unpredictable environment : insights from a pre-Hispanic andean society-
-Durabilité du foncier irrigué en zones steppiques d'Algérie, le risque de l'effondrement hydraulique-
-Mobility evaluation by GPS tracking in a rural, low-income population in Cambodia-
-Regenerative agriculture-agroecology without politics ?-
-The impact of the rice production system (irrigated vs lowland) on root-associated microbiome from farmer's fields in western Burkina Faso-
-Barking up the right tree : using tree bark to track airborne particles in school environment and link science to society-
-Monitoring land subsidence: the challenges of producing knowledge and groundwater management indicators in the Bangkok metropolitan region, Thailand-
-Sciences et expertises en temps de syndémies-
-"Pister" les images préhistoriques : un exemple saharien-
-Cadre environnemental des premières occupations humaines du Brésil : évolution de la végétation et du climat au cours des derniers 40 000 ans-
-What can Europe's history of gender bias tell us about Asia's contemporary experience ?-
-ScenaLand : a simple methodology for developing land use and management scenarios-
-Urban-aware U-Net for large-scale urban flood mapping using multitemporal Sentinel-1 intensity and interferometric coherence-
-High-throughput behavioral phenotyping of tiny arthropods : chemosensory traits in a mesostigmatic hematophagous mite-
-Infravec2 guidelines for the design and operation of containment level 2 and 3 insectaries in Europe-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 180