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Título : Installing a Biography: The Intertwined Pathway of a Last Address Memorial Plaque in Post-Soviet Russia
Installing a Biography: The Intertwined Pathway of a Last Address Memorial Plaque in Post-Soviet Russia
Editorial : Contemporânea - Revista de Sociologia da UFSCar
Descripción : In this paper, I will focus on the commemorational plate on behalf of the Last Address initiative. Through my ethnographic work in Saint Petersburg, I show how a German commemorational idea of the Nazi past migrated to post-Soviet Russia. I will analyze the transition of the plate in space and time, which expose the Russian characteristics of the initiative. By tracing the plate in the public sphere, I aim to show how both the victim's biography and the plate's biography are embedded in it. Thus, I will show the bottom-up discourses that these biographies provoke in post-Soviet Russia regarding its violent past.
In this paper, I examine the trajectory of a commemorative plaque that is part of the Last Address initiative. Drawing on ethnographic work I conducted in Saint Petersburg, I show how a German commemorational idea of the post- -Nazi past migrated to post-Soviet Russia. I analyze the movement of the plaque in space and time, and reveal the post-Soviet Russian character of the initiative. By tracing the circulation of the plaque in the public sphere, I aim to show the entwinement of two biographies: that of the commemorated individual and that of the physical plaque itself. The paper demonstrates how the biographies provoke the emergence of bottom-up discourses on the soviet violent past of Russia.
Otros identificadores :
Aparece en las colecciones: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia da Universidade Federal de São Carlos - PPGS/UFSCar - Cosecha

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