Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia da Universidade Federal de São Carlos - PPGS/UFSCar - Cosecha : [614] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 21 a 40 de 614
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Neoliberalism and after: entrepreneurship, self-management and struggles for social reproduction-
-Corruption, democracy and neoliberalism in the Americas-
-Zora Neale Hurston and Olualê Kossola: the encounter between forced diaspora and voluntary diaspora-
-On the proper use of etnology: Array-
-Brasil, hybrid neoliberalism-
-Historical rounds of neoliberalization in Brazil-
-Access to water for human consumption in the Brazilian semiarid region: challenges, tensions and perspectives of the One Million Cisterns program-
-Soulâliyyât dynamic in Morocco: An account of attachment to land that questions the tutorship status attributed by colonial anthropology-
-Water, culture and politics in rural settlements in Brazil-
-O Empreendedorismo Contemporâneo ou uma Forma de Mistificação das Relações de Classe: Contemporary Entrepreneurship or a form of mystification of class relations-
-Simmel, Durkheim and Mauss: failed birth of European sociology: Simmel, Durkheim and Mauss: poor beginning of European sociology-
-Entrepreneurship, self management or ‘getting by’? : Uberization, the just-in-time worker and algorithmic despotism in the periphery-
-A ressignificação do trabalho autônomo e a retórica empreendedora na França e no Marrocos: Entrevista com Christian Azaïs e Quentin Chapus: The Resignification of Self-Employment and Entrepreneurial Rhetoric in France and Morocco: Interview with Christian Azaïs and Quentin Chapus-
-O empreendedorismo como discurso justificador do trabalho informal e precário: Entrepreneurship as a discourse justifying informal and precarious work-
-A gestão do próprio trabalho e vida: uma discussão sobre “empreendedorismo” e gênero a partir de duas trajetórias socioprofissionais: Work and life management: a discussion on “entrepreneurship” and gender from two socio-professional trajectories-
-O Estado neoliberal no Brasil: a ideologia do empreendedorismo e o fim dos servidores públicos: The neoliberal state in Brazil: the ideology of entrepreneurship and the end of public servants-
-The entrepreneurship ideology in the information technology field: adhesions and ruptures from salaried workers-
-Empreendedorismo, neoliberalismo e pandemia. O desmascaramento de uma ideologia: Entrepreneurship, neoliberalism, and pandemic. The unmasking of an ideology-
-Restorative justice and recognition-
-The recognition in the era of performance: tensions and disputes in the contemporary moral struggle-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 21 a 40 de 614