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Título : “Sing, something might happen”: about the songs and the act of singing in the research of the Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards
“Chantez, il peut se passer quelque chose”: autour des chansons et du chant dans les recherches du Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards
“Cantem, pode acontecer alguma coisa”: em torno dos cantos e do cantar nas investigações do Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards
Palabras clave : Grotowski;Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards;Subjetividade;Trabalho sobre Si;Cantos de Tradição;Grotowski;Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards;Subjectivity;Work on the Self;Traditional Songs;Grotowski;Workcenter of Jerzy Grtowski and Thomas Richards;Subjectivité;Travail sur Soi;Chants Traditionnels
Editorial : Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies
Révue Brésilienne d'Études de la Présence
Révue Brésilienne d'Études de la Présence
Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença
Descripción : This text explores, in the work of the Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards, traditional songs-based practices, on he basis ot the powerful relationship between crafts (ways of doing) and modes of existence (or subjectivation). It also discusses the relationship between tradition and research. A question arises from these relationships about what experiences and skills – in the words of Grotowski, Richards and Biagini – are related to these songs and to the act of singing them. Finally, the text discusses the function of the songs and the place of the singer.
Dans ce texte, l’auteur propose d’explorer, dans le travail du Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards, les pratiques fondées sur des chants traditionnels, à partir d’une relation étroite entre l’artisanal (manières de faire) et les modes d’existence (ou de subjectivation). Il problématise aussi la relation entre la tradition et la recherche. À partir de ces relations, il cherche à identifier quelles expériences et quelles compétences – dans le discours de Grotowski, Richards et Biagni – sont liées à ces chants et à l’action de les chanter. Enfin, l’auteur s’interroge sur la fonction des chants et sur la place du chanteur.
Este texto propõe explorar, no trabalho do Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards, as práticas baseadas nos cantos de tradição, a partir de uma relação estreita entre artesanias (modos de fazer) e modos de existência (ou de subjetivação). Problematiza-se ainda a relação entre tradição e investigação. A partir dessas relações, pergunta-se sobre que experiências e que competências – no dizer de Grotowski, Richards e Biagini – estão relacionadas a esses cantos e ao ato de cantá-los. O texto indaga, por fim, sobre a função dos cantos e o lugar do cantante.
Otros identificadores :
Aparece en las colecciones: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação - PPGEDU/UFRGS - Cosecha

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