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Título : Dialogue on freedoms and the subsidiary State
Diálogo sobre las libertades y el estado Subsidiario
Dialogue sur les libertés et l'État subsidiaire
Dialogo sulle libertà e Stato sussidiario
Diálogo sobre Liberdades e Estado Subsidiário
Palabras clave : Liberalism;mercantilism;welfare state;the social market economy;subsidiary state;Liberalismo;mercantilismo;economía social de mercado;estado del bienestar;estado subsidiario
Editorial : Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - PUCE: Centro de Publicaciones y Dirección de Investigación
Descripción : The paper, using a fictitious dialogue between a father and his son, in which the former answers the questions of the latter, explains the different ideological positions that exist based on the intensity in the acceptance or rejection of individual freedoms, such being economical, political or civil freedoms, using for this purpose a Cartesian plane in which each quadrant reflects a different ideological position. While the son has the most explicit concepts, thanks to his father’s explanations and following the same method of questions and answers, the paper explains the difference between a welfare state and a subsidiary state, both modalities of what is known as the social market economy. KEYWORDS: Liberalism, mercantilism, the social market economy, welfare state, subsidiary state JEL CODE / CLASIFICACIÓN JEL: H74, H71
RESUMENEl artículo, utilizando un diálogo ficticio entre un padre y su hijo, en el que el primero responde las inquietudes del segundo, explica las diferentes posiciones ideológicas que existen teniendo en consideración la intensidad en la aceptación o rechazo de las libertades individuales, sean estas económicas, políticas ociviles, utilizando para dicho propósito un plano cartesiano en el que cada cuadrante refleja una posición ideológica diferente. Luego de ello, y en tanto el vástago tiene los conceptos más claros gracias a las explicaciones de su progenitor, y siguiendo el mismo método de preguntas y respuestas, el artículo explica la diferencia que existe entre estado del bienestar y estado subsidiario, modalidades ambas de lo que se conoce como economía social de mercado. ABSTRACTThe paper, using a fictitious dialogue between a father and his son, in which the former answers the questions of the latter, explains the different ideological positions that exist based on the intensity in the acceptance or rejection of individual freedoms, such being economical, political or civil freedoms, using for this purpose a Cartesian plane in which each quadrant reflects a different ideological position. While the son has the most explicit concepts, thanks to his father’s explanations and following the same method of questions and answers, the paper explains the difference between a welfare state and a subsidiary state, both modalities of what is known as the social market economy. KEYWORDS: Liberalism, mercantilism, the social market economy, welfare state, subsidiary state JEL CODE / CLASIFICACIÓN JEL: H74, H71  
Otros identificadores :
Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - FCH-PUCE - Cosecha

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