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dc.creatorSamaniego Valencia, Estefania-
dc.descriptionRESUMENEl presente trabajo va enfocado al análisis de la retención voluntaria a prorrata del sueldo que percibe quien tenga la obligación de dar alimentos a fin de sustituir la medida cautelar de prohibición de salida del paí­s; puesto que la legislación ecuatoriana establece que para que cese la medida cautelar se debe cumplir con la totalidad de la obligación o rendir garantí­a suficiente que cubra la misma y aunque se empiece a realizar un pago constante de la pensión alimenticia, el hecho de mantener cuotas pendientes de pago imposibilita que se levanten las medidas cautelares impuestas, por lo que se propone plantear un medio alterno que posibilite el levantamiento provisional de la medida cautelar de prohibición de salida del paí­s a los alimentantes que demuestren la voluntariedad de cumplir con la obligación. ABSTRACTThe present work focuses on the analysis of voluntary retention in proportion to the salary received by those who are obliged to provide maintenance in order to replace the precautionary measure prohibiting them from leaving the country; since Ecuadorian legislation provides that, in order for the interim measure to be terminated, the entire obligation must be complied with or sufficient security must be provided to cover the same. and even if a steady payment of the pension begins to be payed, the maintenance of unpaid assessments makes it impossible to lift the precautionary measures imposed, It is therefore proposed to establish an alternative means of permitting the provisional lifting of the precautionary measure prohibiting food suppliers from leaving the country who demonstrate their willingness to comply with the obligation. KEY WORDS: Retention, salary, rights of the child, economic growth. JEL CODE / CLASIFICACIÓN JEL: F22, O15  es-ES
dc.descriptionThe present work focuses on the analysis of voluntary retention in proportion to the salary received by those who are obliged to provide maintenance in order to replace the precautionary measure prohibiting them from leaving the country; since Ecuadorian legislation provides that, in order for the interim measure to be terminated, the entire obligation must be complied with or sufficient security must be provided to cover the same. and even if a steady payment of the pension begins to be payed, the maintenance of unpaid assessments makes it impossible to lift the precautionary measures imposed, It is therefore proposed to establish an alternative means of permitting the provisional lifting of the precautionary measure prohibiting food suppliers from leaving the country who demonstrate their willingness to comply with the obligation. KEY WORDS: Retention, salary, rights of the child, economic growth. JEL CODE / CLASIFICACIÓN JEL: F22, O15en-US
dc.publisherPontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - PUCE: Centro de Publicaciones y Dirección de Investigaciónes-ES
dc.rightsDerechos de autor 2020 Revista de la Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJes-ES
dc.sourceRevista Facultad de Jurisprudencia ´(Journal Faculty of Jurisprudence); No. 7: Journal of the Faculty of Jurisprudence; 320-334en-US
dc.sourceRevista Facultad de Jurisprudencia ; Núm. 7: Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia ; 320-334es-ES
dc.sourceRevista Facultad de Jurisprudencia; N ° 7: Journal de la Faculté de Jurisprudence; 320-334fr-FR
dc.sourceRevista Facultad de Jurisprudencia; N. 7: Giornale della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza; 320-334it-IT
dc.sourceRevista Facultad de Jurisprudencia ; Nº 7: Jornal da Faculdade de Jurisprudência; 320-334pt-BR
dc.subjectrights of the childen-US
dc.subjecteconomic growthen-US
dc.subjectderechos del niñoes-ES
dc.subjectcrecimiento económicoes-ES
dc.titleRetención voluntaria como medio para levantar la prohibición de ausentarse del países-ES
dc.titleVoluntary retention as a means of lifting the ban on absences from the countryen-US
dc.titleLa rétention volontaire comme moyen de lever l'interdiction de quitter le paysfr-FR
dc.titleRitenzione volontaria come mezzo per revocare il divieto di lasciare il paeseit-IT
dc.titleRetenção voluntária como forma de levantamento da proibição de saída do paíspt-BR
Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - FCH-PUCE - Cosecha

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