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Título : La tensión entre la regla de reconocimiento hartiana y los principios ético- morales
The tension between the hartian recognition rule and the ethical-moral principles
La tension entre la règle de reconnaissance Hartian et les principes éthiques-moraux
La tensione tra la regola di riconoscimento hartiana e i principi etico-morali
A tensão entre a regra de reconhecimento Hartiana e os princípios ético-morais
Palabras clave : Philosophy of law;mechanisms of identification of law;rule of hartian recognition;moral principles in legal systems;law and structuralism;Filosofí­a del derecho;mecanismos de identificación del derecho;regla del reconocimiento hartiana;principios morales en los ordenamientos jurí­dicos;derecho y estructuralismo
Editorial : Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - PUCE: Centro de Publicaciones y Dirección de Investigación
Descripción : RESUMENEl presente ensayo formula, a partir de mecanismos de corte analí­tico-estructuralista, un examen concreto sobre la compatibilidad entre la existencia de una regla de reconocimiento, entendida como un mecanismo de identificación de un derecho operativo, con la presencia de principios aplicables al interior de los ordenamientos jurí­dicos únicamente por su contenido ético-moral. A partir de dicho estudio se proponen claves analí­ticas que constituyen una nueva ví­a metodológica para el estudio de los problemas de la filosofí­a del derecho. Dicha metodologí­a se sustenta en la comprensión renovada de los elementos sociológicos, psicológicos, económicos y polí­ticos que subyacen a los postulados primarios de la teorí­a ius filosófica, a partir de herramientas propuestas por la escuela estructuralista de la filosofí­a. ABSTRACTThis paper introduces, based on analytical-structuralist mechanisms, a concrete examination of the compatibility between the existence of a recognition rule, understood as a mechanism for identifying an operational right, with the presence of principles applicable to the interior of legal systems only for their ethical-moral content. Based on this study, analytical keys are proposed that constitute a new methodological path for the study of the problems of the philosophy of law. This methodology is based on the renewed understanding of the sociological, psychological, economic and political elements that underlie the primary postulates of philosophical ius theory, based on tools proposed by the structuralist school of philosophy. KEY WORDS: Philosophy of law, mechanisms of identification of law, rule of hartian recognition, moral principles in legal systems, law and structuralism. JEL CODE / CLASIFICACIÓN JEL: A14, D01
This paper introduces, based on analytical-structuralist mechanisms, a concrete examination of the compatibility between the existence of a recognition rule, understood as a mechanism for identifying an operational right, with the presence of principles applicable to the interior of legal systems only for their ethical-moral content. Based on this study, analytical keys are proposed that constitute a new methodological path for the study of the problems of the philosophy of law. This methodology is based on the renewed understanding of the sociological, psychological, economic and political elements that underlie the primary postulates of philosophical ius theory, based on tools proposed by the structuralist school of philosophy. KEY WORDS: Philosophy of law, mechanisms of identification of law, rule of hartian recognition, moral principles in legal systems, law and structuralism. JEL CODE: A14, D01
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Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - FCH-PUCE - Cosecha

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