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Campo DC Valor Lengua/Idioma
dc.creatorGiller Mendoza, Magda Lorena-
dc.descriptionRESUMENEl creciente miedo en las redes de internet péndula entre lo real o falso, el creer o no, lo dimensionado o eximido. Estamos experimentando una paranoia virtual en donde asumimos los extremos por no comprender lo que recibimos. Este es el caos ocasionado por las conocidas fake news (noticias falsas). Hace unos meses atrás se podí­a percibir su venida como una ola en tempestad, pero no se alcanzaba a comprender esta realidad como un fenómeno de masas. Se podrí­a pensar que todo lo que atenta el equilibrio social requiere del derecho para restablecer la armoní­a de sus bases. Los diversos planos han demostrado que suele funcionar así­; pero í‚¿la receta es aplicable en el contexto digital sin vulnerar principios como el del libre acceso a la información? El panorama puede sonar desalentador cuando las fake news atacan a los diferentes espacios virtuales, aprovechando la ingenuidad del usuario quien se convierte en multiplicador desinformante a través de sus redes sociales. En este caos de desinformación y pérdida de credibilidad en los mensajes, el poder radica en el usuario. ABSTRACTThe growing fear in the internet networks swings between the real or false, believing or not, the dimensioned or exempted. We are experiencing a virtual paranoia where we assume the extremes for not understanding what we receive. This is the chaos caused by the famous fake news. A few months ago, you could perceive its coming as a storm but you could not understand this reality as a mass phenomenon. It is said that everything that threatens social equilibrium requires the right to restore the harmony of its bases. The various planes have shown that it usually works like this; But, is the recipe applicable in the digital context without violating principles such as free access to information? The panorama may sound daunting when fake news attacks different virtual spaces, taking advantage of the ingenuity of the user who becomes a misinformative multiplier through their social networks. In this chaos of misinformation and loss of credibility in the messages, the power lies in the user. KEY WORDS: internet, fake news, regulation, Username, social networks. JEL CODE/ CLASIFICACIÓN JEL: H52, H75es-ES
dc.descriptionThe growing fear in the internet networks swings between the real or false, believing or not, the dimensioned or exempted. We are experiencing a virtual paranoia where we assume the extremes for not understanding what we receive. This is the chaos caused by the famous fake news. A few months ago, you could perceive its coming as a storm but you could not understand this reality as a mass phenomenon. It is said that everything that threatens social equilibrium requires the right to restore the harmony of its bases. The various planes have shown that it usually works like this; But, is the recipe applicable in the digital context without violating principles such as free access to information? The panorama may sound daunting when fake news attacks different virtual spaces, taking advantage of the ingenuity of the user who becomes a misinformative multiplier through their social networks. In this chaos of misinformation and loss of credibility in the messages, the power lies in the user. KEY WORDS: internet, fake news, regulation, Username, social networks. JEL CODE: H52, H75en-US
dc.publisherPontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - PUCE: Centro de Publicaciones y Dirección de Investigaciónes-ES
dc.sourceRevista Facultad de Jurisprudencia ´(Journal Faculty of Jurisprudence); No. 6: Journal Faculty of Jurisprudence; 311-319en-US
dc.sourceRevista Facultad de Jurisprudencia ; Núm. 6: Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia; 311-319es-ES
dc.sourceRevista Facultad de Jurisprudencia; No. 6: Revue Faculté de Jurisprudence; 311-319fr-FR
dc.sourceRevista Facultad de Jurisprudencia; No. 6: Rivista Facoltà di Giurisprudenza; 311-319it-IT
dc.sourceRevista Facultad de Jurisprudencia ; No. 6: Revista Faculdade de Jurisprudência; 311-319pt-BR
dc.subjectfake newsen-US
dc.subjectsocial networksen-US
dc.subjectnoticias falsases-ES
dc.subjectredes socialeses-ES
dc.titleEl dominio de las noticias falsas: ¿normar o educar?es-ES
dc.titleThe domain of fake news: regulation or education?en-US
dc.titleLe domaine des fausses nouvelles: réglementer ou éduquer?fr-FR
dc.titleIl dominio delle fake news: regolamentare o educare?it-IT
dc.titleO domínio das notícias falsas: regular ou educar?pt-BR
Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - FCH-PUCE - Cosecha

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