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Título : The role of the law structuring fundamental rights
El rol de la ley en la configuracion de los derechos fundamentales
Le rôle du droit dans la configuration des droits fondamentaux
Il ruolo della legge nella configurazione dei diritti fondamentali
O papel da lei na configuração dos direitos fundamentais
Palabras clave : law;fundamental rights;constitutionalism;reservation of law;Constitution;ley;derechos fundamentales;constitucionalismo;reserva de ley;Constitución
Editorial : Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - PUCE: Centro de Publicaciones y Dirección de Investigación
Descripción : Analyze the role of the legal norm in the configuration of fundamental rights, constitutes the main challenge of the article presented, aware that it is not an easy task, however, it constitutes in the contemporary, in which the fundamental rights are constant and usually threatened, a need that can be established with the essential postulates determined in the study. Thus, Law and fundamental rights come together in a document that offers doctrinal and legal clarity about the link that inevitably exists. A broad doctrinal review supports the positions that are assumed in the work, which is expected to humbly contribute to the current understanding and reflection, on the relevance that the legal norm has for, the guarantee or the contempt of what has been called, fundamental rights. JEL CODE: J7, J83
RESUMEN:Analizar el papel de la norma jurí­dica en la configuración de los derechos fundamentales, constituye el principal reto del artí­culo que se presenta, conscientes de que, no es tarea fácil, sin embargo, constituye en la contemporaneidad, en la que los derechos fundamentales son constante y habitualmente amenazados, una necesidad que se logra establecer con los postulados esenciales que se determinan en el estudio. Es así­ que, Ley y derechos fundamentales se reúnen en un documento que ofrece claridad doctrinal y legal sobre el ví­nculo que, ineludiblemente existe. Una amplia revisión doctrinaria sustenta las posiciones que son asumidas en el trabajo, el que, se espera aporte humildemente a la comprensión y reflexión actual, sobre la relevancia que la norma jurí­dica posee para, la garantí­a o el menosprecio de lo que ha sido en llamarse, derechos fundamentales. ABSTRACT:Analyze the role of the legal norm in the configuration of fundamental rights, constitutes the main challenge of the article presented, aware that it is not an easy task, however, it constitutes in the contemporary, in which the fundamental rights are constant and usually threatened, a need that can be established with the essential postulates determined in the study. Thus, Law and fundamental rights come together in a document that offers doctrinal and legal clarity about the link that inevitably exists. A broad doctrinal review supports the positions that are assumed in the work, which is expected to humbly contribute to the current understanding and reflection, on the relevance that the legal norm has for, the guarantee or the contempt of what has been called, fundamental rights. KEY WORDS: law, fundamental rights, constitutionalism, reservation of law, Constitution. JEL CODE / CLASIFICACIÓN JEL: J7, J83
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Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - FCH-PUCE - Cosecha

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