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Título : Protecciones legales ambientales: reflexiones de la experiencia peruana
Environmental Legal Protections: Reflections from the Peruvian Experience
Proteções jurídicas ambientais: reflexos da experiência peruana
Tutela legale ambientale: riflessioni dell'esperienza peruviana
Proteções jurídicas ambientais: reflexos da experiência peruana
Palabras clave : environment;legal order;sectoral application;transectoriality principle;environmental protection;medio ambiente;ordenamiento jurí­dico;aplicación sectorial;principio de transectorialidad;protección ambiental
Editorial : Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - PUCE: Centro de Publicaciones y Dirección de Investigación
Descripción : RESUMENEste artí­culo analiza el fraccionamiento, la heterogeneidad y la dispersión del sistema legal ambiental peruano. La relevancia de esta propuesta es su consideración de los problemas de nivel de aplicación para las reglas ambientales del juego, cómo lo abordan las entidades públicas competentes y las entidades que supervisan los sistemas ambientales funcionales actuales. Finalmente, y considerando el principio de transectorialidad, se propone como mecanismo correctivo la necesidad de articular y coordinar las acciones del OEFA con respecto al SINEFA. ABSTRACTThis article discusses the fractionation, heterogeneity and dispersion of the Peruvian environmental legal system. The relevance of this proposal is its consideration of application-level problems for environmental rules of the game, as addressed by the competent public entities and the entities overseeing the current functional environmental systems. Finally, and considering the principle of transectoriality, it proposes as a corrective mechanism the need to articulate and coordinate the actions of the OEFA with respect to the SINEFA. KEYWORDS: environment, legal order, sectoral application, transectoriality principle, environmental protection. JEL CODE / CLASIFICACIÓN JEL: F18, H23
This article discusses the fractionation, heterogeneity and dispersion of the Peruvian environmental legal system. The relevance of this proposal is its consideration of application-level problems for environmental rules of the game, as addressed by the competent public entities and the entities overseeing the current functional environmental systems. Finally, and considering the principle of transectoriality, it proposes as a corrective mechanism the need to articulate and coordinate the actions of the OEFA with respect to the SINEFA. KEYWORDS: environment, legal order, sectoral application, transectoriality principle, environmental protection. JEL CODE: F18, H23
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Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - FCH-PUCE - Cosecha

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