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Título : Excluded Inclusion in Cinema and Literature: Approaching Giorgio Agambení¢€â„¢s thought using the í¢€Å“The Hunger Gamesí¢€
La inclusión excluida en el cine y la literatura: Aproximación al pensamiento de Giorgio Agamben desde la trilogía “Los Juegos del Hambre"
Inclusion exclue dans le cinéma et la littérature: une approche de la pensée de Giorgio Agamben de la trilogie "The Hunger Games"
Inclusione esclusa nel cinema e nella letteratura: un approccio al pensiero di Giorgio Agamben dalla trilogia "The Hunger Games"
Inclusão excluída no cinema e na literatura: uma aproximação ao pensamento de Giorgio Agamben a partir da trilogia "Jogos Vorazes"
Palabras clave : excluded inclusion;exclusion included;totalitarianism;naked life;biopolitics;inclusión excluida;exclusión incluida;totalitarismo;nuda vida;biopolí­tica
Editorial : Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - PUCE: Centro de Publicaciones y Dirección de Investigación
Descripción : The work carries out a critical reflection regarding the approach of Giorgio Agamben’s thinking, both implicitly and explicitly, in film and literature, using a multi-award-winning work as a reference in scenarios related to childhood and adolescence. Starting from art as an expression of reality, we attempt to establish the parallelism of the model of society—presented as being a result of social and ethical conflicts—and of certain philosophical and historical expressions of the fictitious recreation of the totalitarian regime to which our acts are destined. The purpose of the reflective process is to bring attention to the sugar-coated reality that is offered as a commodity and that receives laurels from critics and the public, highlighting the superficiality and insubstantiality of a plot that disguises itself as critical with a cloak of violence and deceptive dialogues. KEYWORDS: excluded inclusion, exclusion included, totalitarianism, naked life, biopolitics. JEL CODE: Z11, L82
RESUMENEl trabajo presenta una reflexión crítica del abordaje del pensamiento de Giorgio Agamben, tanto en forma implícita como ex-plícita, acerca del cine y la literatura. En ese sentido, se recurre de forma instrumental una obra multipremiada en los escenarios que se relacio-nan con la niñez y la adolescencia. Partiendo del arte como expresión de la realidad, se intenta establecer el paralelismo del modelo de sociedad que presentamos como resultado de los conflictos sociales y éticos y algunas expresiones filosóficas e históricas de la recreación ficticia del régimen totalitario al que nos destinan nuestros actos. El propósito del proceso reflexivo es llamar la atención sobre la realidad edulcorada que se oferta como mercancía y que recibe lauros de la crítica y el público, resaltando la superficialidad e insustancialidad de la trama que se nos disfraza de crítica con un manto de violencia y parlamentos engañosos. ABSTRACTThe work carries out a critical reflection regarding the approach of Giorgio Agamben’s thinking, both implicitly and explicitly, in film and literature, using a multi-award-winning work as a reference in scenarios related to childhood and adolescence. Starting from art as an expression of reality, we attempt to establish the parallelism of the model of society—presented as being a result of social and ethical conflicts—and of certain philosophical and historical expressions of the fictitious recreation of the totalitarian regime to which our acts are destined. The purpose of the reflective process is to bring attention to the sugar-coated reality that is offered as a commodity and that receives laurels from critics and the public, highlighting the superficiality and insubstantiality of a plot that disguises itself as critical with a cloak of violence and deceptive dialogues. KEYWORDS: excluded inclusion, exclusion included, totalitarianism, naked life, biopolitics. JEL CODE /CLASIFICACIÓN JEL: Z11, L82
Otros identificadores :
Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - FCH-PUCE - Cosecha

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