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dc.creatorTellez, Ivonne Liliana-
dc.creatorYerovi Proaño, Sebastián-
dc.descriptionThe legalization of global affairs has been considered positive, in contrast to the conditions preceding the Second World War. No longer could individual interests be imposed against the common interest, no longer was there coercion and repression, no longer was decision making dominated by power politics. It would be expected that the recognition of a Human Rights legal system would serve as a guarantee for the fulfillment of the rights within States. The main objective of this legal system in its generality, which is to improve the well-being of the population, has not been reached in its entirety, nor has it reached all countries and all people as it is posed. Hence, this article examines two factors that could confirm this assertion. The first is the system's possible ambiguity through the weakness of the instruments and their institutions. The second is the concept of legitimacy associated with lawfare, which would allow the use of International Human Rights Law as a power strategy. In this order of ideas, this article is organized as follows: first, we carry out a categorical division that begins with a general review of the international human rights system and the relationships of transnational actors, and we then present various examples of the primary instruments and their associated institutions. The second category discusses the concept of legitimacy associated with the idea of lawfare, in light of International Law and the main theories of International Cooperation. Based on these theoretical ideas, we conducted an analysis of the cases of torture in the United States since the year 2000. Finally, we present various conclusions and recommendations regarding the system's structure and application in the international context. KEY WORDS: Human Rights, international cooperation, torture, political power, norm. JEL CODE: K14, J41en-US
dc.descriptionRESUMENLa legalización de los asuntos globales se ha considerado positiva, en contraste con las condiciones que precedieron a la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ya no se podían imponer los intereses individuales contra el interés común, ya no existía la coacción y la represión, la toma de decisiones ya no estaba dominada por la política de poder. Se esperaría que el reconocimiento de un ordenamiento jurídico de Derechos Humanos sirviera de garantía para el cumplimiento de los derechos dentro de los Estados. El principal objetivo de este ordenamiento jurídico en su generalidad, que es mejorar el bienestar de la población, no se ha alcanzado en su totalidad, ni ha llegado a todos los países y a todas las personas como se plantea. Por lo tanto, este artículo examina dos factores que podrían confirmar esta afirmación. El primero es la posible ambigüedad del sistema por la debilidad de los instrumentos y sus instituciones. El segundo es el concepto de legitimidad asociado con el lawfare, que permitiría el uso del Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos como estrategia de poder. En este orden de ideas, este artículo está organizado de la siguiente manera: primero, realizamos una división categórica que comienza con una revisión general del sistema internacional de derechos humanos y las relaciones de los actores transnacionales, y luego presentamos varios ejemplos de los instrumentos primarios y sus instituciones asociadas. La segunda categoría discute el concepto de legitimidad asociado a la idea de lawfare, a la luz del Derecho Internacional y las principales teorías de la Cooperación Internacional. Con base en estas ideas teóricas, realizamos un análisis de los casos de tortura en Estados Unidos desde el año 2000. Finalmente, presentamos diversas conclusiones y recomendaciones sobre la estructura y aplicación del sistema en el contexto internacional. ABSTRACTThe legalization of global affairs has been considered positive, in contrast to the conditions preceding the Second World War. No longer could individual interests be imposed against the common interest, no longer was there coercion and repression, no longer was decision making dominated by power politics. It would be expected that the recognition of a Human Rights legal system would serve as a guarantee for the fulfillment of the rights within States. The main objective of this legal system in its generality, which is to improve the well-being of the population, has not been reached in its entirety, nor has it reached all countries and all people as it is posed. Hence, this article examines two factors that could confirm this assertion. The first is the system's possible ambiguity through the weakness of the instruments and their institutions. The second is the concept of legitimacy associated with lawfare, which would allow the use of International Human Rights Law as a power strategy. In this order of ideas, this article is organized as follows: first, we carry out a categorical division that begins with a general review of the international human rights system and the relationships of transnational actors, and we then present various examples of the primary instruments and their associated institutions. The second category discusses the concept of legitimacy associated with the idea of lawfare, in light of International Law and the main theories of International Cooperation. Based on these theoretical ideas, we conducted an analysis of the cases of torture in the United States since the year 2000. Finally, we present various conclusions and recommendations regarding the system's structure and application in the international context. KEY WORDS: Human Rights, international cooperation, torture, political power, norm. JEL CODE /CLASIFICACIÓN JEL: K14, J41es-ES
dc.publisherPontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - PUCE: Centro de Publicaciones y Dirección de Investigaciónes-ES
dc.rightsDerechos de autor 2018 Revista de la Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJes-ES
dc.sourceRevista Facultad de Jurisprudencia ´(Journal Faculty of Jurisprudence); No. 4: Journal Faculty of Jurisprudence; 34en-US
dc.sourceRevista Facultad de Jurisprudencia ; Núm. 4: Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia; 34es-ES
dc.sourceRevista Facultad de Jurisprudencia; No. 4: Revue Faculté de jurisprudence; 34fr-FR
dc.sourceRevista Facultad de Jurisprudencia; No. 4: Rivista Facoltà di Giurisprudenza; 34it-IT
dc.sourceRevista Facultad de Jurisprudencia ; No. 4: Revista Faculdade de Jurisprudência; 34pt-BR
dc.subjectHuman Rightsen-US
dc.subjectinternational cooperationen-US
dc.subjectpolitical poweren-US
dc.subjectDerechos Humanoses-ES
dc.subjectcooperación internacionales-ES
dc.subjectpoder polí­ticoes-ES
dc.titleThe International Human Rights System and the Subject of Lawfareen-US
dc.titleEl Sistema Internacional de Derechos Humanos y los Subject of Lawfarees-ES
dc.titleLe système international des droits de l'homme et le sujet du droitfr-FR
dc.titleIl sistema internazionale dei diritti umani e l'oggetto del dirittoit-IT
dc.titleO Sistema Internacional de Direitos Humanos e o Assunto da Leipt-BR
Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - FCH-PUCE - Cosecha

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