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Título : El Principio kompetenz - kompetenz del arbitraje comercial internacional en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia Venezolano
The Principle Kompetenz-Kompetenz of international commercial arbitration in the case law of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela
Le principe Kompetenz-Kompetenz de l'arbitrage commercial international dans la jurisprudence de la Cour suprême de justice du Venezuela
Il principio Kompetenz-Kompetenz dell'arbitrato commerciale internazionale nella giurisprudenza della Corte Suprema di Giustizia del Venezuela
O Princípio Kompetenz-Kompetenz da arbitragem comercial internacional na jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça da Venezuela
Palabras clave : kompetenz-kompetenz principle;international commercial arbitration;arbitration clause;Venezuelan Supreme Court of Law;Principio kompetenz-kompetenz;arbitraje comercial internacional;claúsula compromisoria;Tribunal Supremo de Justicia Venezolano
Editorial : Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - PUCE: Centro de Publicaciones y Dirección de Investigación
Descripción : RESUMENDesde la creación del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia venezolano (TSJ) en 1999, una serie de sentencias dictadas por la Sala Político Admi-nistrativa fijaron un antecedente contraproducente al desconocer el prin-cipio kompetenz - kompetenz propio del arbitraje comercial internacional. Así, por ejemplo, en las sentencias que se pronunciaron sobre los asuntos Hyundai de Venezuela C.A. c. Hyundai Motor Company del año 1999 y Consorcio Barr S.A c. Four Seasons Caracas C.A., ese Máximo Tribunal omitió dicho principio. A pesar de ello, luego el TSJ dio un viraje y en el asunto As-tivenca Astilleros de Venezuela, C.A. c. Oceanlink Offshore III A/S del año 2010, dictó una sentencia con carácter vinculante, que constituyó un deci-sivo respaldo al principio kompetenz - kompetenz en el arbitraje comercial internacional. En las próximas páginas se presenta un análisis jurispruden-cial, enfocado en diferentes sentencias dictadas por el TSJ, donde se estu-dia la evolución de la institución del arbitraje comercial internacional y el principio kompetenz - kompetenz en el sistema jurídico de ese país sura-mericano. Se pretende entonces, incentivar la disertación sobre este tema tan importante en la esfera del Derecho de los Negocios Internacionales ABSTRACTSince the creation of the Venezuelan Supreme Court of Law in (SCL) 1999, a series of sentences passed by the Political-Administrative Chamber set a counterproductive precedent by not recognizing the kompetenz - kompetenz principle proper of international commercial arbitration. For instance, in the sentences that were pronounced on the subjects Hyundai of Venezuela C.A. c. Hyundai Motor Company of 1999 and Consortium Barr S.A c. Four Seasons Caracas C.A., the Supreme Court omitted that principle. In spite of the sentences, then the SCL took on a new direction and in the subject Astivenca Astilleros of Venezuela, C.A. c. Oceanlink Offshore III A/S of 2010, passed a sentence of binding nature, which constituted a decisive support to the kompetenz - kompetenz principle in international commercial arbitration. In the next pages is presented a jurisprudence analysis focus on the different sentences passed by the SCL, where it is studied the evolution of institution of the international commercial arbitration and the kompetenz - kompetenz principle in the legal system of this south American country. It intends to encourage the dissertation of this important matter in the International Business Law sphere. KEY WORDS: kompetenz-kompetenz principle, international commercial arbitration, arbitration clause, Venezuelan Supreme Court of Law. JEL CODE / CLASIFICACIÓN JEL: J52, D74
Since the creation of the Venezuelan Supreme Court of Law in (SCL) 1999, a series of sentences passed by the Political-Administrative Chamber set a counterproductive precedent by not recognizing the kompetenz - kompetenz principle proper of international commercial arbitration. For instance, in the sentences that were pronounced on the subjects Hyundai of Venezuela C.A. c. Hyundai Motor Company of 1999 and Consortium Barr S.A c. Four Seasons Caracas C.A., the Supreme Court omitted that principle. In spite of the sentences, then the SCL took on a new direction and in the subject Astivenca Astilleros of Venezuela, C.A. c. Oceanlink Offshore III A/S of 2010, passed a sentence of binding nature, which constituted a decisive support to the kompetenz - kompetenz principle in international commercial arbitration. In the next pages is presented a jurisprudence analysis focus on the different sentences passed by the SCL, where it is studied the evolution of institution of the international commercial arbitration and the kompetenz - kompetenz principle in the legal system of this south American country. It intends to encourage the dissertation of this important matter in the International Business Law sphere. KEY WORDS: kompetenz-kompetenz principle, international commercial arbitration, arbitration clause, Venezuelan Supreme Court of Law. JEL CODE / CLASIFICACIÓN JEL: J52, D74
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Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - FCH-PUCE - Cosecha

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