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Título : Informe Legal No. 01 - 2017 - Corte Constitucional
Legal Inform No. 01 - 2017 - Constitutional Court
Legal Inform n ° 01-2017 - Cour constitutionnelle
Informazione legale n. 01-2017 - Corte costituzionale
Informação Legal nº 01 - 2017 - Tribunal Constitucional
Palabras clave : principal-agent;attributions;linkage;jurisprudence;vadility;principal-agente;atribuciones;vinculación;jurisprudencia;vigencia
Editorial : Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - PUCE: Centro de Publicaciones y Dirección de Investigación
Descripción : RESUMEN El presente informe tiene como base la Sentencia Interpretativa 002-08-SI-CC, donde el Consejo Nacional Electoral solicita a la Corte Constitucional la interpretación de las normas constitucionales relacionadas con el Consejo de Participación Ciudadana y Control Social, los métodos para escoger a los consejeros, y las personas responsables de esta labor. A partir de dicha problemática, la Corte Constitucional presenta las interrogativas de la solicitud de interpretación, las normas constitucionales que serán interpretadas, y men ciona cuáles son las facultades de la Corte Constitucional en materia de derecho, de entre las que presenta a la interpretación como la máxima competencia, conceptualiza dicho término y posteriormente inicia con el análisis hermenéutico. Con respecto al informe personal, se ha realizado un análisis FODA, donde se presentan los factores visibles en la sentencia, y cómo estos han podido intervenir en la misma. Además de ello, se ha desarrollado un modelo de principal – agente, en donde se mencionan los organismos que intervienen y la relación que estos tienen con los puntos de interpretación que la sentencia presenta.   ABSTRACT This report is based on Interpretative Judgment 002-08-SI-CC, where the National Electoral Council requests the Constitutional Court to interpret the constitutional rules related to the Council for Citizen Participation and Social Control, the methods to choose the counselors, and the people responsible for this work. Departing from this legal scenario, the Constitutional Court presents the interrogatives of the request for interpretation, the constitucional rules to be analized, etc. I addition, a SWOT analysis has been carried out, where the factors visible in the judgment are presented, and how they have been able to intervene in it. Finally, a model of principal agent has been developed, in which the agencies that intervene are mentioned and the relationship they have with the points of interpretation that the sentence presents. KEYWORDS: principal-agent, attributions, linkage, jurisprudence, validity JEL CODE/ CLASIFICACIÓN CODE: G14, D23
ABSTRACT This report is based on Interpretative Judgment 002-08-SI-CC, where the National Electoral Council requests the Constitutional Court to interpret the constitutional rules related to the Council for Citizen Participation and Social Control, the methods to choose the counselors, and the people responsible for this work. Departing from this legal scenario, the Constitutional Court presents the interrogatives of the request for interpretation, the constitucional rules to be analized, etc. I addition, a SWOT analysis has been carried out, where the factors visible in the judgment are presented, and how they have been able to intervene in it. Finally, a model of principal agent has been developed, in which the agencies that intervene are mentioned and the relationship they have with the points of interpretation that the sentence presents. KEYWORDS: principal-agent, attributions, linkage, jurisprudence, validity JEL CODE/ CLASIFICACIÓN CODE: G14, D23
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Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - FCH-PUCE - Cosecha

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