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Título : El régimen de copropiedad y sus problemas jurí­dicos
The Copyright Regime and its Legal Problems
Le régime du droit d'auteur et ses problèmes juridiques
Il regime del copyright e i suoi problemi legali
O regime de direitos autorais e seus problemas jurídicos
Palabras clave : condominium;good;right;property;co-ownership;copropiedad;condominio;bien;derecho;propiedad
Editorial : Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - PUCE: Centro de Publicaciones y Dirección de Investigación
Descripción : RESUMENLa copropiedad o condominio ocurre cuando el dominio de un objeto corresponde a una pluralidad de sujetos; es así que hay un cuasicontrato de comunidad cuando aquel dominio que recae sobre una cosa o de un derecho pertenece pro indiviso a varias personas que se vuelven copropietarios o comuneros entre sí. Este régimen imperfecto es susceptible de ocasionar problemas derivados del ejercicio conjunto de las facultades del dominio, que desembocan en la necesidad de la tutela judicial para resolver los conflictos que se producen entre copropietarios o comuneros. ABSTRACTThe situation of co-ownership or condominium is given when the property of an object corresponds to a plurality of subjects. There is a quasicontract of community when the property of a thing or a right belongs undivided to several people and become commoners. It is because of this emerging situation that the problems arise when one of the co-owners no longer wants to continue to be a shareholder of a good and it is up to the judge to make the division of the common thing without any of the parties feeling affected or harmed. KEY WORDS: co-ownership, condominium, good, right, property. JEL CODE / CLASIFICACIÓN JEL: F34, K41
The situation of co-ownership or condominium is given when the property of an object corresponds to a plurality of subjects. There is a quasicontract of community when the property of a thing or a right belongs undivided to several people and become commoners. It is because of this emerging situation that the problems arise when one of the co-owners no longer wants to continue to be a shareholder of a good and it is up to the judge to make the division of the common thing without any of the parties feeling affected or harmed. KEY WORDS: co-ownership, condominium, good, right, property. JEL CODE: F34, K41
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Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - FCH-PUCE - Cosecha

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