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Título : La enseñanza del Derecho como un espacio de conflicto en una sociedad diversa: aportes para el debate
Teaching Law as a Space of Conflict in a Diverse Society: Contributions to Debate
Enseigner le droit comme espace de conflit dans une société diversifiée: contributions au débat
Insegnare il diritto come spazio di conflitto in una società diversificata: contributi al dibattito
O ensino do direito como espaço de conflito em uma sociedade diversa: contribuições para o debate
Palabras clave : Ecuador;power;law;Higher Education;andragogy;Ecuador;poder;Derecho;Educación Superior;andragogí­a;sociedad
Editorial : Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - PUCE: Centro de Publicaciones y Dirección de Investigación
Descripción : RESUMENEl presente texto busca hacer aportar con elementos de análisis respecto del papel de las escuelas de Derecho de nuestro paí­s como espacios de construcción y reproducción de formas de poder que podrí­an conspirar, mediante sus contenidos y prácticas, con un sistema de cambio social. La hipótesis que maneja este trabajo es que, al analizar las prácticas como Facultades, y los mecanismos sociales que se generan en las prácticas jurí­dicas, lo que se hace es tener un sistema jurí­dico formal y funcional pero que en el sentido práctico perpetua los errores y vicios que al menos en teorí­a, los docentes de derecho suponen luchar, todo esto en medio de un conflicto entre continuidad de cambio, signado entre el positivismo más tradicional, y escuelas crí­ticas. ABSTRACTThe present text seeks to contribute with elements of analysis regarding the role of the law schools of Ecuador as spaces of construction and reproduction of forms of power that could conspire, through its contents and practices, with a system of social changes. The hypothesis that handles this work is that, when analyzing the practices like Faculties, and the social mechanisms that are generated in the legal practices, what is done is to have a formal and functional legal system but in the practical sense perpetuates the errors and Vices that at least in theory, teachers of law supposed to fight, all this in the middle of a conflict between continuity of change, signified between the more traditional positivism, and critical schools. KEY WORDS: Ecuador, power, Law, Higher Education, andragogy. JEL CODE / CLASIFICACIÓN JEL: F51, D74
The present text seeks to contribute with elements of analysis regarding the role of the law schools of Ecuador as spaces of construction and reproduction of forms of power that could conspire, through its contents and practices, with a system of social changes. The hypothesis that handles this work is that, when analyzing the practices like Faculties, and the social mechanisms that are generated in the legal practices, what is done is to have a formal and functional legal system but in the practical sense perpetuates the errors and Vices that at least in theory, teachers of law supposed to fight, all this in the middle of a conflict between continuity of change, signified between the more traditional positivism, and critical schools. KEY WORDS: Ecuador, power, Law, Higher Education, andragogy. JEL CODE: F51, D74
Otros identificadores :
Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - FCH-PUCE - Cosecha

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