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Título : Efficiency of the ecuadorian criminal law: economic analysis of misdemeanors
Eficiencia de la normativa penal ecuatoriana: análisis económico de los delitos menores
Efficacité du droit pénal équatorien: analyse économique des délits
Efficienza del diritto penale ecuadoriano: analisi economica dei reati
Eficiência do Direito Penal equatoriano: Análise econômica de contravenções
Palabras clave : criminal law;minor offences;contraventions;cost-benefit;incentives;alternative penalties;derecho penal;delitos menores;contravenciones;costo-beneficio;incentivos;penas alternativas
Editorial : Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - PUCE: Centro de Publicaciones y Dirección de Investigación
Descripción : This paper develops and indicates the economic analysis of criminal law, specifically misdemeanors in Ecuador. It focuses on a theoretical study of the circumstances that motivate the offender to commit unlawful acts and incur the commission of minor offenses, the penalties referred to as a sanction for these acts and the cost to the state. The document is focus on a study of law based on microeconomics science to indicate the responsibility of the subject who commits minor offenses, how the country responses to these actions and the way it tries to avoid offenses improving public policies. KEYWORDS: criminal law, minor offences, contraventions, cost-benefit, incentives. JEL CODE: D61, G14
RESUMENEste documento introduce el análisis económico del Derecho Penal, especí­ficamente de los delitos menores en el Estado ecuatoriano; se enfoca en un estudio teórico de las circunstancias que motivan al delincuente a cometer actos ilí­citos e incurrir en la comisión de delitos menores, las penas contempladas como sanción de estos actos y el costo que representa para el Estado la existencia de este tipo de contravenciones. El enfoque del estudio parte de las herramientas otorgadas por la microeconomí­a para indicar la responsabilidad del sujeto que comete delitos menores y la respuesta del Estado ecuatoriano frente a este tipo penal, con el fin de mejorar las polí­ticas públicas y de este modo conseguir el bien social. ABSTRACTThis paper develops and indicates the economic analysis of criminal law, specifically misdemeanors in Ecuador. It focuses on a theoretical study of the circumstances that motivate the offender to commit unlawful acts and incur the commission of minor offenses, the penalties referred to as a sanction for these acts and the cost to the state.The document is focus on a study of law based on microeconomics science to indicate the responsibility of the subject who commits minor offenses, how the country responses to these actions and the way it tries to avoid offenses improving public policies. KEYWORDS: criminal law, minor offences, contraventions, cost-benefit, incentives. JEL CODE / CLASIFICACIÓN JEL: D61, G14
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Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - FCH-PUCE - Cosecha

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