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dc.creatorFiguera Vargas, Sorily Carolina-
dc.creatorCedeño Dávila, Camila Bernarda-
dc.creatorCamacho Balseca, Maxwell Andrés-
dc.descriptionRESUMENEste estudio analiza como la dialéctica brinda métodos que colocan al juez en una posición singular dentro de la estructura de poder del sistema democrático del Estado. En las siguientes páginas, inicialmente, al contraponer dos métodos clásicos como lo son el deductivo y el inductivo, se podrá determinar si de hecho su aparente contradicción según el proceso de razonamiento que persiguen, genera una incompatibilidad para trabajar de manera conjunta, y así obtener mejores resultados al momento de tomar una decisión de carácter judicial. En tal contexto, se estudiará la lógica jurídica y su manifestación como una herramienta esencial del conceptualismo aplicado a la doctrina positiva del Derecho, pues basa su accionar en cuestiones prácticas donde el concepto surge de una realidad inherente. Este escrito, en definitiva, busca exponer el uso de la lógica jurídica en la ciencia del Derecho y, como bajo principios básicos el razonamiento, hace una función relevante para crear un conocimiento y aplicación de esta disciplina más correcta e informada, además al ser adaptada a las necesidades reales de la sociedad. ABSTRACTIn this study, we will analyze how the dialectic provides methods that place the judge in a unique position within the power structure of the democratic system of the State. In the following pages, initially, by contrasting two classical methods such as the deduc-tive and the inductive, it will be possible to determine if in fact their apparent contradiction according to the reasoning process that they pursue, generates an incompatibility to work together, and thus obtain better results when making a judicial decision. In this context, the legal logic and its manifestation will be studied as an essential tool of conceptualism applied to the positive doctrine of law, since it bases its action on practical issues where the concept arises from an inherent reality. This writing, in short, seeks to expose the use of legal logic in the science of law and, as under basic principles, reasoning, makes a relevant function to create knowledge and application of this discipline more correct and informed, in addition to being adapted to the real needs of society. KEYWORDS: logical-legal reasoning, judicial decisions, jurisprudence, deduction, induction. JEL CODE / CLASIFICACIÓN JEL: K41, K11es-ES
dc.descriptionIn this study, we will analyze how the dialectic provides methods that place the judge in a unique position within the power structure of the democratic system of the State. In the following pages, initially, by contrasting two classical methods such as the deduc-tive and the inductive, it will be possible to determine if in fact their apparent contradiction according to the reasoning process that they pursue, generates an incompatibility to work together, and thus obtain better results when making a judicial decision. In this context, the legal logic and its manifestation will be studied as an essential tool of conceptualism applied to the positive doctrine of law, since it bases its action on practical issues where the concept arises from an inherent reality. This writing, in short, seeks to expose the use of legal logic in the science of law and, as under basic principles, reasoning, makes a relevant function to create knowledge and application of this discipline more correct and informed, in addition to being adapted to the real needs of society. KEYWORDS: logical-legal reasoning, judicial decisions, jurisprudence, deduction, induction. JEL CODE / CLASIFICACIÓN JEL: K41, K11en-US
dc.publisherPontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - PUCE: Centro de Publicaciones y Dirección de Investigaciónes-ES
dc.sourceRevista Facultad de Jurisprudencia ´(Journal Faculty of Jurisprudence); No. 2: Journal Faculty of Jurisprudenceen-US
dc.sourceRevista Facultad de Jurisprudencia ; Núm. 2: Revista Facultad de Jurisprudenciaes-ES
dc.sourceRevista Facultad de Jurisprudencia; No. 2: Revue Faculté de Jurisprudencefr-FR
dc.sourceRevista Facultad de Jurisprudencia; No. 2: Revista Facoltà di Giurisprudenzait-IT
dc.sourceRevista Facultad de Jurisprudencia ; No. 2: Revista Faculdade de Jurisprudênciapt-BR
dc.subjectlogical-legal reasoningen-US
dc.subjectjudicial decisionsen-US
dc.subjectRazonamiento lógico-jurí­dicoes-ES
dc.subjectdecisiones judicialeses-ES
dc.titleMétodos de razonamiento lógico-jurí­dico aplicados a decisiones judiciales: la jurisprudencia como mecanismo de poder estatales-ES
dc.titleMethods of Logical-Juridical Reasoning applied to Judicial Decisions: The Jurisprudence like Mechanism of State Poweren-US
dc.titleMéthodes de raisonnement logico-juridique appliquées aux décisions judiciaires: la jurisprudence comme mécanisme du pouvoir de l'Étatfr-FR
dc.titleMetodi di ragionamento logico-giuridico applicati alle decisioni giudiziarie: la giurisprudenza come meccanismo del potere stataleit-IT
dc.titleMétodos de Raciocínio Lógico-Jurídico aplicados às Decisões Judiciais: A Jurisprudência como Mecanismo de Poder do Estadopt-BR
Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - FCH-PUCE - Cosecha

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